The duration | Yeast fungus in the vagina

The duration

A vaginal fungal infection lasts only a few days if treated appropriately and promptly. Even if some preparations are to be used for up to a week according to the package insert, the symptoms are already significantly reduced or disappear completely. However, this should not lead to shortening the duration of the therapy at your own discretion.A regular and sufficiently long treatment period is essential to prevent the symptoms from reoccurring and to treat the infection completely. On the other hand, if a vaginal mycosis is misdiagnosed or not treated at all, the symptoms can last much longer. In the worst case, this can even lead to chronicity, i.e. to a persistent vaginal fungal infection that is far more difficult to treat.

How contagious is a yeast infection?

Since yeast fungi belong to the natural microorganism colonization of all humans, an excessive fear of infection is unfounded. Rather the word infection is misleading in this context, because the actual meaning of the word is not correct. After all, every human being has a natural colonization by the fungal species and therefore cannot be infected by another person or object.

Frequently expressed fears of getting infected with vaginal fungus in public toilets or swimming pools are unfounded. In order for the disease to occur, an imbalance of the vaginal flora or other circumstances that promote an excessive proliferation of the yeast fungus are necessary. These include vaginal dryness or excessive hygiene, which makes the vaginal mucosa more cracked and more susceptible to infection.

The fact that a yeast infection can be transmitted via sexual intercourse also has an already susceptible mucous membrane as a prerequisite. Through the rubbing movements, as happens during sex, the mucous membrane can be additionally irritated and injured, which promotes the proliferation of yeast fungi. The use of condoms can prevent fungal infections.

Furthermore, transmission can also occur via contaminated objects. Contaminated objects can be bath mats, shower bases or even clothes. If an infection has occurred, it can be treated with medication in the form of pills or creams.