The Ear: Why Conductors Hear Better

The sensory organ ear functions before birth and maintains its function the longest in the dying. The ear is important for our social life – we perceive sounds, tones and noises through our hearing. The ear is the most delicate and active sensory organ in humans, even responding to acoustic signals during sleep.

Conductors hear better, because good hearing can be trained

A study by the University of Magdeburg and two universities in Hanover concluded that conductors have much better spatial hearing than other people. The reason for this is apparently the intensive job-related training with an orchestra. What is true for conductors is also true for “Otto Normalverbraucher”. Brain processes are stimulated by listening experiences. Conversely, however, it is also the case that the brain can unlearn how to evaluate certain auditory areas if these are no longer perceived Sound waves that reach the ear are converted into signals that travel along special nerve pathways to the auditory center of the brain, where they are analyzed and interpreted. These very complex processes have not yet been researched in detail. Our hearing ability decreases in the course of life, however, “good hearing can be trained”.

Those who hear poorly for years forget how to understand

Dr. Karin Uphoff of Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Hören: “If you feel that you can no longer hear some things properly, go to a hearing care professional for a no-obligation hearing test or have your ears examined by an ENT doctor. If you have poor hearing, you should compensate for this with hearing aids. That’s the only way your brain – the only way you – will have a chance to continue to understand everything.”