The effect | The Thyme

The effect

The effect of thyme is triggered by various ingredients. In addition to essential oils, flavonoids, tannic acids or bitter substances are also found in the plant, each of which can develop their own effects. The oils have a positive effect on the mucus.

Through them it dissolves and can therefore be coughed up more easily. This is particularly beneficial in cases of persistent, dry coughs. The thymol in thyme achieves its effect through interaction with the muscles in the throat.

When used, thymol relaxes the muscles and widens the airways. Various other ingredients are responsible for its antibacterial and antimycotic (against fungi) effect by attacking structures of the bacteria or fungi. The slight pungency of thyme can also stimulate the blood circulation. As with any pungent substance such as ointments, when applied to the skin, stronger microcirculation generates heat, which promotes healing in the case of minor injuries.

The side effect

In addition to positive effects, thyme can also have some other undesirable effects.However, these are rare and usually occur only with special groups of people. However, if side effects occur, they can sometimes be serious and require medical treatment. For example, an allergic reaction can develop after absorption into the body.

However, affected persons usually know in advance whether they are allergic to thyme. Therefore, no serious symptoms usually occur. In rare cases, however, death can occur.

Thymaine can also cause muscle tension, for example by narrowing the glottis so much that breathing becomes difficult. This occurs more frequently in children than in adults. This symptomatology is also rare.

If thyme is taken over a long period of time, the stomach may also become irritated. Since it is not known whether thyme has a negative effect on the development of the child during pregnancy, one should therefore handle it carefully during pregnancy and generally avoid taking it. If in doubt, one should also stop taking it prophylactically.

If you are unsure, you can ask your family doctor for advice. Thyme can also stimulate the uterine muscles, which can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. Inform yourself about the topic: The pregnancy.