The insertion of contact lenses


To put contact lenses in the eye, practice is required. It takes time and many attempts to achieve this, which requires rest, especially in the beginning. There is a natural protective reflex, the eyelid closure reflex, which ensures that it is hardly possible to touch your own eye undisturbed at the beginning.

It tears, you blink involuntarily and flinch from your own fingers. However, with time, you manage to get used to this protective reflex and eventually it becomes an everyday routine and you can insert or remove your contact lenses in a few minutes. For hard and soft contact lenses the procedure is different in only one respect: the hard contact lenses are inserted and removed with a small rubber sucker which is placed on the lens and can be handled easily.

The soft contact lenses, on the other hand, are placed directly on the eye with the fingertip. It varies from person to person which procedure is perceived as easier, but in most cases, even wearers of hard contact lenses insert the lens directly with their fingers after a while and remove it again in the same way, completely without a suction cup. The exact procedure is described here using the handling of soft contact lenses as an example.


The most important thing when handling the eyes is careful hygiene. Clean hands are a must, and the storage container for contact lenses must also be kept meticulously clean and cleaned regularly. The storage container should also be changed at least once a month.

Replacement containers are available at drugstores and also opticians. Inserting your contact lenses begins with a thorough hand wash with soap that has been rinsed thoroughly. Without applying any cream to the hands afterwards, the process continues. The place where the contact lenses are inserted should also be clean, a smooth surface is ideal in case the contact lens should fall off and a mirror is absolutely necessary, at least at the beginning.