The intake of creatine for muscle building

What is creatine?

Creatine is an endogenous acid that is produced in the liver, kidney and pancreas. Creatine acts as a kind of “battery” in the muscle cells. Creatine converts the low-energy ADP (adenosine diphosphate) into the high-energy ATP (adenosine triphosphate) needed for muscle activity. Besides the creatine produced in the body, it can also be produced synthetically and used as a supplement for muscle building.

Effect of creatine for muscle building

Because creatine constantly recharges the muscle’s “battery”, the maximum power output can be maintained for longer. The athlete can train longer at a high level without the muscle becoming overacid or prematurely exhausted. Therefore, creatine has a supporting effect especially during short, high-intensity workouts.

When taken correctly (for example during weight training), more repetitions can be completed with a comparatively high weight than without the additional administration of creatine. However, an important point is that taking creatine alone will not produce muscle mountains. This requires consistent and targeted muscle building training at a high performance level.

Only if the muscle is challenged and stressed accordingly, the necessary impulses for muscle growth will be set. The question of how good the effectiveness of creatine is from a scientific point of view could not yet be answered unanimously by all researchers! While some studies admit only a small positive effect on muscle growth, other sources speak of one of the most effective supplements, especially for strength athletes. In the USA in particular, extensive research has been conducted in this area, with 70% of studies showing a significant improvement in muscle performance when creatine is taken. Since creatine does not work equally well for every athlete, a test can show beforehand whether the organism reacts at all to this supplement:

  • 5g of creatine with 0.5-0.75l of water are taken 4 times daily
  • One 5g dose each directly after the training
  • If after one week with the same diet and weight training a weight gain of maximum 1.5kg is achieved, the creatine has taken a beating.

The creatine – cure for muscle building

Creatine is a nutrient that is mainly found in meat and fish, but can also be produced by the human body itself. It is used by the body to produce energy and thus plays a major role in muscle work and thus in sporting performance. Creatine is offered in the form of creatine monohydrate as powder, tablets or capsules.

It is the most sold and most frequently used dietary supplement and is mainly used in the fitness and bodybuilding industry. A cure consists of:

  • Loading phase, which should last one week
  • Maintenance phase over three to four weeks
  • Cure break or weaning phase

When carrying out a creatine cure like the one just presented, a cure break of six to eight weeks is recommended, during which the body can completely cleanse itself of creatine. When starting a creatine regimen, you should be aware that your diet should also be adjusted slightly to make the regimen a success.

Alcohol should be strictly avoided as it dehydrates the body. In addition, fluid intake should be increased to counteract higher water consumption caused by creatine intake. An overdose of a dietary supplement is not recommended under any circumstances and therefore also applies to an overdose of creatine. If athletes ignore this advice, health problems and side effects may occur.