The lung meridian (Lu) | Acupuncture Meridians

The lung meridian (Lu)

It begins in the 1st rib space below the collarbone, runs briefly upwards, then on the inside of the upper arm, where it runs inside as the foremost meridian through the crook of the arm to the thumb. It is a yin-meridian and consists of 11 points. Indications in TCM: complaints of the entire respiratory tract, skin and appendages and complaints in the course of the meridian and in the chest.

The large intestine meridian (Di)

The large intestine meridian begins next to the thumb-side nail angle of the index finger, moves across the forearm and the outside of the elbow to the highest point of the shoulder. It continues to the head over the cheek where it ends at the top of the nostril on the other side of the body. It is a yang meridian and consists of 20 points. Use in TCM: Pain in the meridian, the entire ENT area, nose, sinuses, skin complaints, migraine, headaches, especially when radiating into the facial skull, intestinal complaints, eye complaints.

The stomach meridian (Ma)

It begins at the end point of the colon meridian at the lateral nostril and comes to the surface at the lower edge of the eye. At first the superficial branch moves over the cheek to the mouth and then rises again to the lateral forehead. The main branch runs from the lower jaw along the lateral neck to the pit above the collarbone, then over the nipples; past the navel; at the front along the leg and ends at the outside of the 2nd toe. The stomach meridian is a yang meridian and has 45 points. Use in TCM: complaints in the course of the meridian and in the digestive function; psychic balancing points.

The spleen meridian (Mi)

The spleen, or in summary also spleen/pancreatic meridian, begins at the inner nail fold of the big toe, moves over the inner edge of the foot in front of the inner ankle, at the front laterally along the knee and thigh, then laterally over the groin and trunk to the 2nd intercostal space. It is a yin-meridian and consists of 21 points. Indications in TCM: Pain and swelling in the course of the meridian, diseases of the digestive system, abdominal pain, vomiting, “jaundice” (icterus), complaints in the pelvis, everything related to blood (menstruation, blood pressure), regulation of fluid balance, muscles, connective tissue, weakness and general feeling of heaviness of the body.

The heart meridian (He)

It starts from the heart and comes to the surface in the armpit. From there it runs along the back inner arm through the crook of the arm, along the inner forearm to the palm of the hand and ends at the angle of the nail on the side of the little finger facing the ring finger. The heart meridian is a yin meridian and has 9 points. Used in TCM: complaints in the course of the meridian, effective as a “success organ heart” on heart circulation; but above all “heart” in the figurative sense, i.e. soul, spirit and cerebrum; therefore for diseases of the central nervous system.