The meridian of the triple heater (3E) | Acupuncture Meridians

The meridian of the triple heater (3E)

It begins at the lateral nail fold of the ring finger and moves over the back of the hand between ulna and radius to the elbow and rear upper arm. It forms the “rear shoulder eye”, runs across the neck, over the temporal bone, circles the ear and finally ends at the lateral eyebrow. The meridian of the triple warmer is a yang meridian and consists of 23 points. Uses in TCM: complaints in the course of the meridian (diseases of the ear, head, numbness, eye diseases, temporal headache, migraine, posterior shoulder), flank pain, coordination of the function of breathing, digestion, urogenitals; sensitivity to weather and wind.

The Gall Bladder Meridian (Gb)

The gallbladder meridian begins at the outer corner of the eye and zigzags across the head to the neck. Via the collarbone, the main branch runs over the lateral chest wall down to the hip region. Further it runs along the lateral outer leg and ends at the outside of the 4th toe. The gall bladder meridian is a yang meridian and consists of 44 points. Indications in TCM: Pain in the meridian course, biliary diseases, ear diseases, tinnitus, dizziness, mood swings.

The liver meridian (Le)

This meridian begins at the lateral nail fold of the big toe and runs over the back of the foot and inner lower leg to the knee joint. It continues over the inner thigh over the pubic bone and ends in the 6th intercostal space on an imaginary vertical line of the nipple. The liver meridian is a yin meridian and consists of 14 points. Indications in TCM: complaints in the course of the meridian, neuromotoricity, depression, eye complaints, liver is considered to be a blood reservoir, is responsible for the smooth flow of the blood, therefore in “blood diseases” (menstruation, blood pressure).

Extraordinary meridians and extra points

Besides the 12 main meridians there are 8 extraordinary meridians. They form a system of their own and originate in the kidney essence Jing storing kidneys. This renal essence flows through the body via the extraordinary meridians.

Except for the “conception vessel” (Ren Mai) and the “handlebar vessel” (Du Mai), the extraordinary meridians have no points of their own. They are not connected to any functional circuit and cannot be divided into Yin or Yang. Their function is to transport and control the essence.

They serve as a reservoir for excess energy of the main meridians without participating in the regular cycle of “Qi” (life energy). However, they can take over and store excess energy of the main meridians to release it when needed. The use of the extraordinary meridians is especially effective for chronic pain and psychosomatic complaints.

But: too frequent needling of the extraordinary meridians can lead to states of exhaustion! The extraordinary meridians are divided into 4 pairs, each of which provides energy to certain parts of the body. A meridian is activated by needling the opening point (key point) and the connection point.

The conception vessel (“Ren Mai” – abbreviation Ren) The Ren Mai begins in the lower pelvis and pulls superficially along the front body centre line upwards and ends below the lower lip. It consists of 24 points. Opening point is Lu 7 (lung meridian point 7) and coupling point Ni 6 (kidney meridian point 6).

The conception vessel is in contact with all yin meridians, is also called “sea of yin meridians” and is considered to be the balancing reservoir of energy (Qi) of these meridians. The handlebar vessel (“Du Mai” – abbreviation LG) The Du Mai begins next to the anus and pulls the spine upwards over the tip of the coccyx. It runs across the middle line of the head and ends on the inside of the upper lip.

It consists of 28 points. Opening point is 3 and coupling point Bl 62. The handlebar vessel is also called “sea of yang meridians” because it is connected to all yang meridians.

It “governs” the Qi of all these meridians. It is a carrier of hereditary energy and a kind of collecting vessel of active (yang) energy. Main indications are diseases caused by “wind and cold”, fever, spinal pain and mental disorders.

Tendinomuscular meridians Tendinomuscular meridians have a planar, superficial course. They do not have their own points, but follow the course of the main meridians. Painful points in the course of the meridians (so-called “Ashi points”) are also counted among these meridians.

The tendinomuscular meridians begin at the 1st antique point (see below) and end at the so-called joining point. At the joining point, 3 Yin or 3 Yang meridians of a certain area of the body come together. The tendinomuscular meridians are used to ward off bioclimatic influences.

Extra points Extra points are acupuncture points that lie outside the main meridians. Up to 1500 extra points are described in the literature. They are described differently in the literature.