The Most Important Facts About Fat

Fats are considered to be unhealthy fatteners. However, they actually perform many important functions in the body. This is because fat is an important supplier of energy. At nine kilocalories (kcal), one gram of fat provides more than twice as much energy as the same amount of carbohydrates or protein. If the body does not burn fats immediately, they are stored in depots and serve as energy reserves for “bad times” and for building cell walls. Read everything you need to know about fat.

Why does the body need fats?

Fats provide vital essential fatty acids that are necessary for various metabolic processes. In addition, they serve as:

  • Carriers for vitamins A, D, E and K, which the body could not utilize without fat.
  • Flavor carrier
  • Thermal protection
  • Protection of the organs from external influences

About 30 percent of daily calories should be fat. Here, the type of fats plays a significant role.

Which fats are healthy, which less?

Depending on their chemical structure, different types of fatty acids are distinguished. Saturated fatty acids are found in animal products, among other things. Although they are not as bad as their reputation, these fatty acids are better consumed in small amounts. Monounsaturated fatty acids, which are found in olive oil, avocados, canola oil and nuts, for example, have a positive effect on blood levels as long as they are enjoyed in moderation.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered particularly important. These include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which the body needs in the right proportions. For example, sunflower and corn oil contain too many omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation. Canola oil has a good ratio of the two fatty acids – use virgin, cold-pressed oil here because it contains more valuable ingredients. The vital omega-3 fatty acids are also found in linseed, walnut and soybean oil. Salmon, mackerel and herring even contain particularly valuable long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Ideally, you should mix saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, for example by eating a salad with canola oil dressing with meat dishes.

Avoid trans fatty acids

Caution is advised with hydrogenated vegetable fats: These produce so-called trans fats, which have a negative effect on the heart and circulation and can cause an increase in harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood. They are often found in greasy baked goods or in deep-frying fat. They can also be formed when polyunsaturated fatty acids are heated beyond their so-called smoke point. In addition, these fatty acids, whose sensitive double bonds are broken by the heat, also lose their healthy effect as a result. This is why cold-pressed vegetable oils should not be used for frying or deep-frying – refined oils are better suited for this purpose.

Is margarine healthier than butter?

Margarine, unlike butter, contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, according to recent studies, butter is not harmful either. In terms of calories, the two products are almost on par, with only half-fat margarine having fewer calories than butter. To avoid the harmful trans fats, when buying margarine, look for high-quality products with a low proportion of hydrogenated fats. Butter or margarine – ultimately it remains a question of taste.

Does fat make you fat?

Although fat has many calories, there is no demonstrable connection between fat consumption and body weight. Only the calorie balance is decisive: if you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. Calorie consumption can be boosted by exercise. If you have exercised in the morning, you can eat a little more in the evening. High-fat food actually satiates more quickly than low-fat food, so we eat less. On the other hand, those who try to cut down on fat often eat more carbohydrates. But cereal products such as white bread and pasta increase blood sugar levels and thus insulin, which promotes fat buildup. Many diets therefore focus on a whole-food diet with low energy density. Special attention must be paid to hidden fats, such as those found in convenience foods or dairy products.

How to get rid of fat deposits?

As nice as it would be: sweating in the sauna does not let us lose weight. Convert fat into muscle? Unfortunately, this is also just a myth. Nevertheless, sport is the best fat burner.While endurance sports stimulate fat burning, strength training builds muscles that draw their energy from fat cells even when the body is at rest. Thus, the fat cells become thinner – however, they do not disappear, but remain the same in number. Only liposuction actually removes the fat cells from specific areas. However, there is a risk that fat will be “stored” in other places in the future. The lasting benefits of liposuction are therefore controversial.

Is it possible to burn fat specifically?

Fat cannot be targeted to specific areas of the body. Belly-legs-po exercises train the corresponding muscles, but have no influence on where the body breaks down fat deposits. Nevertheless, the right sports program helps to fight fat. If it is supported – with sufficient protein intake – by a calorie-reduced diet, fat can be burned in a healthy way.