The occurrence of pain during pregnancy | Stabbing in the right breast – what can that be?

The occurrence of pain during pregnancy

Especially in the late phase of pregnancy, pressure-related pain symptoms may occur in the right breast. As a pregnancy progresses, the uterus (uterus) moves more and more upwards and exerts pressure on the other organ systems in the abdominal cavity. Since the liver, with an organ weight of 1200-1400 grams, takes up a lot of space in the right upper abdomen, pressure can be transmitted to the area of the right breast.

Stabbing in the right breast in special regions

Stinging in the nipple can have different reasons. For example, a permanent rubbing of a not optimally fitting bra or a sports shirt can cause an unpleasant stinging in the nipple. Hormonal causes are also possible.

In this regard, the woman’s pregnancy and breastfeeding period is the primary cause, while the woman’s hormone balance changes. This leads to a differentiation of the glandular ducts in the female breast and the onset of lactation/milk production. This can lead to irritation with stabbing pain in both the breast and nipple.Inflammatory processes in the glandular ducts of the mammary glands or dermatological diseases can also manifest themselves with pain in the nipple.

Stings in the right costal arch can cause pathological processes in the ribs themselves, the lungs or, for example, diseases of the liver. Finally, damage or irritation of the intercostal nerves running along the underside of the costal arches can lead to a prick in the right costal arch.