The pH Value

Ideally, there is a balance between acids and bases just as food intake should balance with the subsequent excretion of metabolic waste. The ratio of energy intake to energy expenditure should also be in balance.

Buffer substances in the blood

The blood in the human organism has a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 – so it is slightly alkaline. This pH value must be maintained constantly for the body to function optimally. For this reason, the blood has so-called buffer substances. These ensure that the pH value of the blood does not change immediately as soon as acids are released into the blood. With the help of the buffer substances, acids can be balanced (neutralized) and the pH value kept constant.

Acidic metabolic wastes reach the excretory organs via the blood. Carbonic acid, for example, is exhaled as carbon dioxide through the lungs. Other acids are eliminated by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. The term acid-base balance is used to describe the interplay of both components.

PH measurement

In the simplest case, you can determine your personal acid-base status by measuring the pH in your urine. You can obtain suitable test strips over the counter at the pharmacy. Make sure that at least the pH range of 5.6 to 8.0 is covered. Note, however, that one-time measurements do not provide any information.

It is best to start by measuring the pH level every time you go to the toilet for several (5-7) days, noting it and the time. Also make notes about what you eat and drink. Then record the values on a chart.

The ideal pH value

Ideally, pH values should show fluctuations throughout the day and fall within the white curve in the figure below. There should be pH values that are above pH 7 (pH 7 is the neutral pH). Not all pH values of a daily course must always be above pH 7. In the morning, for example, the urine is acidic, i.e. , the normal ph value is then between 5 and 6, while after lunch it can often rise above 8, i.e. into the basic.

Personal daily profile

If your personal daily profile deviates several times strongly from the “ideal curve” indicated in the figure, or if your results are basically outside the fluctuation range of optimal values, you should feel spurred to change something. You will see, it is easier than you might think at the moment!

Your personal daily profile helps you monitor the progress of your body’s acid excretion. But it is also a solid basis for discussion with your doctor or alternative practitioner.

By the way: almost all pharmacists recommend the use of pH test strips for self-measurement of the acid status when you ask for alkaline preparations.