The probiotic capsules | The probiotics

The probiotic capsules

Most probiotics are offered in capsule form. There are several points to consider. As also with the yogurts consumers should throw first a view of the contents materials of the capsules.

Also here it applies to pay attention to the kind and number of the contained germs. Probiotically effective capsules can be produced in different ways. Some contain gelatine, others do not.

This can be especially important for vegans and vegetarians. The capsules are usually sold over the counter and are available in pharmacies and drugstores. Consumers should pay attention to price and dosage when buying the capsules. A longer use can become very expensive so also fast. Concerned ones should consult with their physician in case of uncertainty whether an income is meaningful at all.

Which foods have a probiotic effect?

While probiotic yogurt actively contains microorganisms, normal yogurt already contains a certain amount of lactobacilli. It can therefore also be regarded as probiotic food. In addition, other sour milk products also have a probiotic effect, for example kefir or soured milk.

Besides lactobacilli, kefir also contains other probiotic microorganisms, namely yeast fungi. Another probiotic food is sauerkraut. In raw form it also contains viable microorganisms.

Sauerkraut is also a form of probiotic nutrition for vegans. Furthermore, some types of cheese, for example Parmesan or Gouda, contain living lactic acid bacteria. The older the cheese is, the more bacteria it contains.

A foodstuff largely unknown here is Kombucha tea. This is tea to which the Kombucha fungus has been added, which triggers a fermentation process. The tea contains only microorganisms living in a fresh state.

Also little known is Kimchi. This is fermented Chinese cabbage, which contains lactobacilli. It is also said to have a very healthy effect.

Probiotics after taking antibiotics

Probably the most common application area of probiotics is the intake together with or after antibiotics. This is intended to protect or replace the intestinal flora and prevent diarrhoea as a side effect of the antibiotics. It is scientifically proven in the meantime that with the income of the Probiotika is not to be waited, until already failure occurred.

Then these means seem to have no more effect. Probiotika have positive effects however, if the income takes place parallel to the antibiotic income. Studies showed that patients, who got also Probiotika during the antibiotic income, suffered afterwards less frequently from failure. Also in the special case of stomach inflammation caused by the dreaded germ Helicobacter pylori, which is treated with a combination of several antibiotics, a study showed that patients who received probiotics had fewer side effects. The side effects of antibiotics?