The prophylaxis | PONV

The prophylaxis

If a PONV is known in a patient, the anesthesia procedure may be changed. The risk of developing PONV under general anesthesia is 10 times higher than under regional anesthesia. The use of anaesthetics administered through the vein (e.g. Propofol) reduces the risk of PONV up to 20%.

Measures to save opioids, e.g. administration of non-opioids (NSAIDs, metamizole) or the postoperative use of pain catheters, also reduce the occurrence of nausea. If general anesthesia cannot be avoided, dexametasone is administered via the vein at the beginning of the operation as a prophylactic measure. The effect only sets in after about two hours, so it must be administered in time.

Towards the end of the anesthesia, other antiemetics are used, e.g. droperidol or metroclopramide (Paspertin). Acupuncture can be used as a non-pharmacological method, especially the acupuncture point P6 on the wrist plays an important role here. In addition, aromatic substances such as isopropophyl alcohol and peppermint oil provide relief.