The renewed fertility | Side effects of vasectomy

The renewed fertility

Vasectomy is on the one hand a very safe contraceptive measure, but in exceptional cases it can nevertheless be accompanied by a renewed ability to procreate. The sperm duct is interrupted by the vasectomy for several centimeters and the ends are sutured. Under certain circumstances, however, the ends of the spermatic ducts may open up again and grow together again.

Those affected often do not notice this. It is also often possible to regain the ability to conceive after the vasectomy. In a second operation, the vas deferens can be sutured again in a microsurgical procedure, whereby the ejaculate again receives sperm. Even after several years, in the majority of cases the ability to procreate again is still possible.

Is there an increased risk of tumors?

Vasectomy is not associated with an immediately increased risk of tumor. There is no risk whatsoever for the testicles and epididymis resulting from a vasectomy. Only an association with prostate carcinoma is often discussed. Some observations suggest a potential increased risk after a vasectomy, but various studies have not found a significant association.

Is there an influence on hormone production?