The right side pain | Pain under the ribs

The right side pain

A one-sided occurrence of the symptoms on the right side can limit the causes. On the one hand, complaints of bones, muscles and nerves can occur on one side. Bone fractures are only rarely found symmetrically on both sides.

A fracture on the right side thus indicates a fall to this side or weakness of the bones on the right side compared to the left side. Intercostal neuralgia, i.e. the entrapment of a nerve between the ribs, is also almost always found on one side. Muscle problems can also occur on the right side, for example, due to sporting activities and jerky movements and rotations to the right side.

In the case of organic causes, on the other hand, the sole occurrence on the right side can give an indication of the affected organs. In addition to the lungs in the thorax, the stomach, liver, gall bladder, colon or right kidney can be affected. In the case of complaints caused by gallstones and congestion of the gallbladder, the pain is colicky (interval-like) and can radiate into the shoulder.

In addition, yellowing of the eyes and skin can often be noticed. The stomach can also be the cause of pain after a large meal. If it is full to bursting, the pressure alone can cause pain in the lower costal arch.

In rare cases, diaphragm defects can occur, through which the stomach enters the chest. This in turn leads to severe pain, which can be projected onto the ribs. Inflammation of the pleura can also occur in isolation on the right side.

Since the cavities of the right and left side of the lung are separated, inflammations often appear unilaterally. The liver itself rarely leads to isolated right-sided pain under the ribs. In the course of pregnancy, however, it can be an indication of dangerous, pathological metabolic processes.

The “HELLP syndrome” is a possible disease. The liver is located under the right costal arch. Within the scope of various diseases, an enlargement of the liver can occur.

Often, however, this only causes a feeling of pressure. Real pain is more likely to occur in the case of an acute inflammation of the liver, a hepatitis. However, an enlargement of the liver also occurs in the context of hepatitis.

There are different types of hepatitis, each of which causes further symptoms. Whistling glandular fever can spread to the liver – among other infectious diseases. It leads to swelling of the liver and pain.