The shortness of breath | These can be the consequences of anemia

The shortness of breath

Breathlessness is a typical symptom that can occur with a pronounced lack of blood. The missing red blood cells with their red blood pigment are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs. With anaemia, this transport is disturbed. Especially during physical (and mental) exertion this can lead to respiratory distress. The body tries to absorb more oxygen, which can be transported to the muscles, for example.

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is a symptom that indicates a reduced oxygen supply to the heart muscles. The symptoms of anemia are based on two different mechanisms. On the one hand, the heart has to pump harder so that all blood components containing oxygen and red blood cells can enter the circulation.

This leads to overexertion of the heart and can cause angina pectoris. In addition, the heart also needs a larger amount of oxygen due to its increased workload. If this cannot be transported to the heart muscle due to the anemia, angina pectoris occurs, in the worst case leading to a heart attack.

The performance weakness

Performance weakness is common in anemia and usually occurs as one of the first symptoms of anemia. The performance weakness can be both physical (physical) and mental (mental). It is based on a reduced supply of blood and oxygen to the brain and muscles. If there is too little oxygen, the muscles cannot work sufficiently, so they tire quickly.The brain also reduces its performance when there is too little oxygen, making it harder to concentrate.

The lack of concentration

The lack of concentration as a result of anaemia can also be explained by the low supply of oxygen and other nutrients by the blood. Due to the lack of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and hemoglobin (red blood pigment), not enough oxygen can penetrate all cells of the brain. This slows down the processing processes in the brain and therefore also affects the ability of affected persons to concentrate. In addition, there are often complaints such as tiredness, poor performance and headaches.