The side effects | Voltaren Dispers

The side effects

The frequency and severity of side effects depends on the dose and duration of use. Therefore, the smallest possible effective dose should always be taken over the shortest possible period of time. Initially, general complaints such as fatigue, dizziness or headaches may occur when taking Voltaren Dispers®.

The active ingredient diclofenac inhibits the so-called cyclooxygenase, an enzyme that inhibits the release of pain and inflammatory messengers (e.g. prostaglandins) and thus mediates the pain and anti-inflammatory effect. Since this cyclooxygenase is also localized in the stomach lining, the production of prostaglandins is also inhibited there, which protect the stomach lining from the aggressive stomach acid. This results in numerous side effects in the gastrointestinal tract, from abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting to stomach cramps, loss of appetite and flatulence.

Furthermore, it can lead to stomach ulcers, bleeding and inflammation of the stomach lining. Voltaren Dispers® is broken down by the liver, so liver damage can occur, especially with long-term use of high doses. Damage to the kidneys with partial loss of function can also occur with long-term use. Side effects such as anemia, bronchial cramps with shortness of breath, bleeding tendency or high blood pressure and heart attacks are observed less frequently.

The contraindications

Voltaren Dispers® must not be used if hypersensitivity to the active ingredient diclofenac or other ingredients is known. This may be caused by reactions such as bronchial spasm, asthma, rhinitis (runny nose) or urticaria (hives) after taking other NSAIDs or Aspirin® (ASAIDs). It is also contraindicated in unexplained haematopoietic disorders, active bleeding and repeated gastrointestinal ulcers or bleeding. Voltaren Dispers® should not be taken in cases of severe liver or kidney dysfunction or in the last trimester of pregnancy, or by children and adolescents under 18 years of age. Voltaren Dispers® should also not be taken in cases of heart failure, coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease or cerebrovascular (affecting the vessels of the brain) disease.