The Therapy | Left side pain when inhaling

The Therapy

Just like so many other things in this section, the treatment depends on the underlying disease causing the pain in the left breast. A few examples can show quite clearly how drastically the therapies for the individual causes differ An aneurysm of the abdominal artery, for example, would be checked primarily at regular intervals to see whether it is enlarged or not. If the aneurysm has reached a threshold value or if regular monitoring suggests that the increase in size will continue, the aneurysm must be surgically removed and bridged.

Myocardial infarction, on the other hand, is a disease that requires quick action and immediate hospitalization. The blood must be diluted and the constriction within the coronary arteries opened as quickly as possible so that the heart muscle can be supplied with blood again as soon as possible. Inflammation of the pleura in turn must be treated with antibiotics.

Depending on the patient’s condition, this can be done on an outpatient basis via a checkup by the family doctor or as an inpatient at the hospital. An inflammation of the stomach lining or the esophagus, on the other hand, can be treated by the family doctor on an outpatient basis. With the help of drugs that are intended to slightly reduce the production of stomach acid. Only if there are repeated inflammations, the whole thing must be clarified by a specialist.

  • Therapy of an aortic aneurysm
  • Therapy of a heart attack

The duration

The duration or prognosis of the disease is as varied as the underlying diseases themselves. Thus, there is a wide spectrum from relatively harmless diagnoses such as gastritis to heart attack, which is associated with an almost 50 percent probability of death. Gastric mucositis can be treated well with proton pump inhibitors and is usually eliminated within one month.

This is quite different in the case of a heart attack. This usually requires a cardiac catheter as an interventional procedure and entails a long list of rehabilitation measures. It is also possible that the heart no longer reaches its original pumping capacity.