The tiredness | These can be the consequences of anemia

The tiredness

Tiredness is a symptom that suggests the brain to take a break. The increased fatigue in anemia is caused by a reduced supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain cells. This results in a slowing down of cell activity. It is not without reason that yawning (a reaction of the body to too little oxygen in the brain) is a typical gesture when one is tired. Chronic fatigue?

The tachycardia

Tachycardia (also called tachycardia) is the term used to describe an increase in the heart rate of an adult person to over one hundred beats per minute. Tachycardia can occur as a result of anemia, for example. In order for the body to be sufficiently supplied with oxygen despite the reduced concentration of red blood pigment and red blood cells, the few erythrocytes present must carry more oxygen or be loaded with oxygen more frequently. An increased heart rate is necessary so that the erythrocytes can be loaded more frequently and reach the organs faster.

The pale skin

Pale skin is one of the first symptoms of anaemia, along with poor performance and fatigue. Not only the skin is affected, but also the mucous membranes appear less rosy to pale. This is particularly noticeable on the conjunctiva of the eye or on the mucous membrane of the mouth. The mucous membrane of the mouth can also be attacked in other ways by the anemia, which is manifested by mucous membrane defects such as aphthae in the mouth.

The cracked corners of the mouth

Cracked corners of the mouth, also called rhagades, are a typical sign of anemia. This symptom is particularly common in anaemia caused by iron deficiency. The corners of the mouth crack at the transition from the upper to the lower lip.

The reason for this can be a dry skin in addition to anemia. The cracked corners of the mouth are often painful and often cause problems, especially when eating and speaking.