The treatment | Blood poisoning after insect bite

The treatment

In the case of blood poisoning, every minute counts, so intensive medical treatment must be initiated immediately. Therapy with high-dose antibiotics is the main focus. Frequently used drugs are piperacillin, tazobactam or ceftazidim.

In addition to antibiotic therapy, monitoring and stabilisation of the circulation is important. Infusions are administered for this purpose. The use of catecholamines such as noradrenaline may also be necessary.

If the puncture has become severely inflamed locally or even an abscess or the like is visible there, this entry point of the pathogens must be “repaired”. This can be done by surgical or non-surgical cleansing of the wound and local antibiotics. Furthermore, affected persons receive thrombosis prophylaxis with heparin.

If organ damage has already occurred, special measures must be taken to replace or restore organ function. An insect bite usually leads to a local reaction with redness, swelling and pain at the bite site. The symptoms usually subside after a few days without complications.

However, if bacterial pathogens are transmitted during the bite, the infection can spread. A subsequent bacterial infection with skin germs (e.g. through frequent scratching at the insect bite) can also lead to an infection. If it spreads from the site of the insect bite, the infection should be treated.

This is usually done by the systemic administration of an antibiotic in the form of tablets. In severe cases, intravenous antibiotic therapy is also necessary. In contrast, antibiotics do not help in the case of a viral infection after an insect bite, so that such a therapy is not necessary.

The duration

Blood poisoning is a highly acute clinical picture that must be treated immediately. It must not be waited for, otherwise serious complications can occur. Within hours and days, the condition of the affected person deteriorates.

With adequate treatment with antibiotics and other supportive measures, the symptoms can improve again within days. However, some patients may have to be treated for several weeks. This is especially the case if organs have already been damaged or if the blood poisoning is very difficult to treat.

Blood poisoning in pregnancy

Many women are particularly afraid of falling ill during pregnancy, as not only their own well-being but also that of the child may be at risk. However, there is usually no need to fear blood poisoning from an insect bite. This complication of an insect bite is extremely rare.

During pregnancy, apart from the usual signs of blood poisoning (see above), other symptoms can lead to the suspicion of blood poisoning. Sudden abdominal pain, premature labour or abnormalities in the CTG are possible signs of blood poisoning. If an insect bite has preceded these symptoms, a doctor must be informed immediately.

Vaginal bleeding may also occur. As well as outside of pregnancy, immediate therapy is very important to protect the welfare of both the mother and the child.