The treatment | Dizziness after sports

The treatment

The treatment of vertigo depends on the results of the previous diagnosis or the presumed causes. A weak circulation can usually be brought under control with further but gentle training, a lot of drinking and, if necessary, a saltier diet. If anemia is present, the missing nutrients such as iron or vitamin B12 can be supplied by appropriate preparations.

If a cervical spine syndrome is the cause of dizziness, regular physiotherapy can lead to muscle relaxation in the cervical spine and thus also to the alleviation of symptoms. Causes of the inner ear should be treated by an ENT physician. Depending on the cause, anti-inflammatory drugs are often used, but also non-drug measures (such as positioning vertigo).

The duration

With adequate treatment, dizziness should never be permanent. However, not all causes of dizziness can be eliminated equally quickly. If the dizziness is caused by inadequate circulation, the frequency of dizziness attacks and their intensity will gradually decrease as the circulation begins to improve.

The same is true of a cervical spine syndrome: although the dizziness should slowly subside after the start of therapy, in these cases it may take a few days or weeks until there are no symptoms at all. For other causes, such as dysfunction of the inner ear, the dizziness should improve a few days after the start of treatment. However, especially in the case of permanently low blood pressure, dizzy spells can recur again and again. In this case, the strategy and measures of the applied therapy should be changed accordingly.