The treatment | Oral lichen planus

The treatment

The normal lichen ruber planus usually disappears on its own after one to two years without therapy. The oral lichen ruber planus, on the other hand, can also persist longer. In mild forms and mild symptoms, local treatment methods are used.

These may include creams with glucocorticoids, retinoids (vitamin A derivative) and ciclosporins. In severe cases, all these agents can also be administered systemically, i.e. as tablets or infusions. Antihistamines help against itching.

The most important pillar of therapy is light therapy, called PUVA. Here, the respective (mucous) skin areas are irradiated with UV-A light. Previously, the skin was made sensitive to light with a substance called psoralen. In general, nicotine and alcohol withdrawal has a positive effect on the mucous membrane and promotes wound healing.

The prognosis

Long-term ulcerative changes are considered to be a precancerous stage (precancerosis). As cancer, spinocellular carcinoma can develop in 5% of cases due to the chronic inflammatory stimulus. Therefore patients with oral lichen ruber planus should be inspected by a physician every 3 months.

If necessary, the doctor may also order biopsies, i.e. taking tissue samples. The spontaneous healing rate is less than 5%. Therefore, a regular therapy should always take place.