The Treatment/Therapy | Inflammation of the inguinal ligament

The Treatment/Therapy

In the case of an inflammation of the inguinal ligament, physical protection is the top priority. In the acute situation, ice compresses and immobilization of the legs help to relieve the pain and prevent swelling of the groin. Anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen and diclofenac, not only relieve the pain, but also the inflammatory reaction.

In cases of pronounced strains, physiotherapy, physiotherapy or heat treatments can help to restore the function of the inguinal ligament. If the symptoms improve, training can be resumed with initially low levels of stress. A sports medicine consultation can help to gently adjust the training to the symptoms.

The duration

Inflammation of the inguinal ligament should be treated with consistent care until it has healed. Even slight strain can delay healing and lead to chronic strain of the inguinal ligament. The duration of healing therefore depends on the cooperation of the affected person as well as on the strain on the inguinal ligament.

However, an average duration of 2 weeks can be assumed. In the case of pronounced strains or even a tear, the duration can be several weeks.