Therapy | Concussion


In the case of a patient suffering from a concussion, treatment should ideally begin at the scene of the accident. Initially, any physical activity of the affected person should be stopped immediately. If a concussion is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately or (if necessary) an emergency call should be made (telephone: 112).

First aidIf a person exhibits the typical symptoms of a concussion and/or the course of the accident suggests that the brain may be affected, a number of important things should be observed. The first aider should above all try to remain calm and have a calming effect on the person affected. If a concussion is suspected, the patient should under no circumstances be left alone.

If open wounds are visible, they can already be treated with a plaster or bandage. If the affected patient is conscious and reacts to speech, he should be positioned and covered with a slightly raised upper body. The first aider should always keep an eye on the pulse and breathing, even if the patient is conscious.

In addition, it must be noted that the injured person should not be given any food or liquid, even if he or she seems to feel somewhat better in the meantime. If the injured person is unconscious and does not respond to speech, pulse, heartbeat and respiration (vital signs) must be checked urgently. The patient can then be placed in the stable lateral position.

Medical therapyA patient suspected of having a concussion should be monitored for at least 24 hours. During this period, the patient’s vital signs and consciousness must be checked regularly. If the patient recovers within the monitoring period without indications of complications, he or she can be discharged home.

The treatment of the concussion is then carried out by strict bed rest. In addition, drugs for pain (analgesics) and, if necessary, drugs for vomiting can be taken. In the case of a concussion, however, it should be noted that complications can still occur 48 to 72 hours after the accident. For this reason, the affected patient should continue to be monitored by relatives during this period.