Therapy | Diastema


As already mentioned, the treatment of the real diastema is the surgical removal of the full-grown frenulum of the lips and the tissue located in the gap. The gap can also be closed with a crown or a veneer. However, in these cases the gap should not be too large.

It would therefore be better if the orthodontist were to regulate it after the causes have been eliminated. A diastema mediale can be closed, although there are several treatment options. If the diastema mediale is set because of a genetically too deep set labial frenulum, it can be treated by a surgical intervention.

The ligament is cut through and sutured at a higher point so that less tension is exerted on the oral mucosa in the upper jaw and the oral vestibule is given more room to move. This procedure is minimally invasive and is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is only about ten to fifteen minutes.

If the tooth gap is due to a non-application, the gap is usually closed by an orthodontic gap closure with loose or fixed braces.The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the individual case and can last between one and three years. If the dental arch is too large or the teeth are too small, the gap can be closed by dentures. Veneers or crowns are chosen to create a highly aesthetic result.

The total therapy time is about two to three weeks until the finished prosthesis can be inserted. If the ligament is genetically very deep, often only a surgical therapy is possible. In this case, the lip band is cut and sutured again at a higher point.

This procedure is minimally invasive and usually takes only ten to fifteen minutes, which is why it is performed in children between the ages of six and eight. During this time the upper two incisors break through and the lip frenulum should not cause a medial diastema. Furthermore, even in case of an orthodontic gap closure, a surgical relocation of the lip frenulum may be necessary to ensure the proper and optimal movement of the teeth into the gap and to close it.