Therapy | Dry mouth


The therapy of a dry mouth always depends first on the underlying cause. Therapy recommendations can be:

  • Sufficient liquid intake (water, unsweetened teas, juice spritzers) in case of dehydration
  • Chewing gum or sucking sweets
  • Avoid spicy food
  • Quit smoking
  • Restrict coffee/alcohol consumption
  • Good oral hygiene
  • Mouth sprays/gels/rinses
  • Therapy of the underlying diseases

Various sprays can help to alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth. The Glandosane® spray, for example, is a liquid saliva substitute.

It contains numerous mineral salts. In dry mouths it serves to replace the body’s own saliva. At the same time, the oral spray has a positive effect on the tooth enamel and the oral flora.

It can be used several times a day. Saseem® Oral Spray has a similar effect, replacing saliva and coating the oral cavity with a protective and nurturing film of moisture. It intensively moisturizes the oral mucosa and alleviates the discomfort of a dry mouth.

Depending on your needs, you can spray the appropriate amount into the mouth. For most oral sprays there is no limitation regarding the period of application. The sprays can be used over a longer period of time according to need.

Another popular product is the Emofluor® Mouth Moisturizer Spray, which also counteracts unpleasant dry mouth. It provides a lasting moist environment in the oral cavity and protects the teeth from caries. There are various lozenges that can be taken when the mouth is dry.

Lozenges stimulate the body’s own saliva production, which moistens the oral mucosa.To make lozenges as effective as possible, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of liquid throughout the day and to suck chewing gum or sugar-free candy in between to stimulate salivation as much as possible. The Aquamed® lozenges are a possible preparation against dry mouth. The lozenges contain lysozyme, an enzyme produced naturally in the body, as well as xylitol and calcium lactate, i.e. active ingredients that promote tooth structure.

Xerodent® lozenges are another example. These stimulate the formation of saliva immediately and sustainably to moisturize the oral cavity. Ingredients are malic acid, which stimulates the production of saliva, fluoride, which protects the teeth from caries and xylitol, which has a positive influence on the oral flora.

The lozenges may be taken up to six times a day. Some household remedies are known to help with a dry mouth. Everyone must find out for themselves what really helps.

Because as different as the remedies are, so different is every body. Each person reacts differently! All in front stands the sufficient drinking.

Distributed over the day 1.5-2 liters should be drunk. For this purpose, it seems sensible to have a glass of water or unsweetened tea on the bedside table at night. There are special kinds of tea that are especially helpful, such as green tea.

Sugar in tea should be avoided, because it binds water again and thickens the saliva. In winter, there should be no dry heating air in the rooms. It is better to install a humidifier.

The smell of lemon stimulates salivation similar to chewing gum or lozenges. You can therefore use the possibility of drizzling some lemon oil on the pillow so that more saliva is produced at night. On the way you should always have chewing gum to keep your mouth moist. Finally, there are also some homeopathic remedies and Schüssler salts to help against dryness.