Therapy | Eczema due to dry skin


Of course, the therapy differs depending on the cause of dry skin and eczema. For all diseases it is important to apply a good basic skin care. In addition one should be advised by a dermatologist, since a care with the wrong components, the problem can rather still intensify.

A good basis is, for example, the DAC basic care or lipolotions that are not too greasy. Depending on the symptoms, creams with cortisone or anti-inflammatory agents may be necessary. It is always important to make sure that no strong drying substances are used in body care.

The best treatment for contact dermatitis is to avoid contact with the irritant. Often the eczema will then disappear by itself due to dry skin. In the case of allergic components and to stop the itching, antihistamines such as cetirizine can be taken.

If the skin problem could be related to the taking of medication, these should be discontinued if possible. In the case of underlying internal diseases, such as diabetes or thyroid disorders, the underlying diseases should be treated. Drinking enough can also help to reduce the symptoms. Likewise, as little alcohol as possible should be consumed and the consumption of nicotine should be stopped.


The risk of developing dry skin or eczema naturally also depends on personal circumstances. In certain professions, such as hairdressing or medicine, the risk is increased by contact with irritating substances. On the other hand, the risk of developing neurodermatitis depends on the genes. For example, the risk of a child suffering from neurodermatitis is about 30% for a parent affected. If both parents are affected even about 60%.


Dry skin with eczema, often manifests itself mainly by a feeling of tension in the area of the affected skin. This is often accompanied by itching and, to varying degrees, redness or scaling. Particularly in the case of neurodermatitis, scratching in the affected area can cause slightly bleeding wounds.

An experienced physician can usually already due to the affected body areas and it exact pattern of the Ekzememas determine, which cause is most likely to reason. Itching is a very distressing and common symptom of many skin diseases. Especially dry skin, which is a component of many eczema diseases, tends to itch.

Why dry, eczematous skin itches exactly, however, is the subject of current research. The development of itching is very complex and not yet understood in detail. It is known that a number of metabolic products and messenger substances in the body are partly responsible for the itching.

These include the substance histamine, but also leukotrienes, substance P, prostaglandins, interleukins and serotonin play an important role in the development of itching. These substances are also increasingly released in dry skin and in eczema diseases and thus promote itching. The treatment is primarily aimed at intensively caring for the skin so that it is no longer dry. This relieves the itching enormously. In addition, itch-relieving medications such as antihistamines also improve the symptoms.