Therapy for intestinal infestation with parasites | Parasites in the intestine

Therapy for intestinal infestation with parasites

For the treatment of parasites in the intestines, drugs, natural remedies or, in rare cases, surgery can be used. If an infestation of intestinal parasites is suspected, a doctor should be consulted, as he or she can determine the type of parasites and thus initiate the best therapy. Medication against parasites are substances that kill the parasites or stop them from multiplying.

Depending on the type of parasite, different drugs are used, which are adapted to certain characteristics of the parasite. As a natural therapy against parasites, colon irrigations can also be used. Natural substances such as castor oil, aloe vera, garlic, grapefruit seeds and pumpkin seeds can also support the therapy of parasite infestation.

Some parasites, such as the dog or fox tapeworm, can continue to “eat” through the intestinal wall into the tissue and thus reach other organs such as the liver. In the case of light infestation, this is not a problem for the patient and can be waited for. However, if the liver is so severely affected that its function is restricted, surgery may be necessary.

Which drugs are used?

Like antibiotics that work against bacteria, there are drugs called antiparasitics that are used against parasites. Since the types of intestinal parasites have different survival strategies, the medication must be adapted to the respective infestation. For worms, such as tapeworms, the drugs albendazole, mebendazole and praziquantel are used particularly frequently.

Since these drugs have many side effects, taking cortisol can be helpful as a preventive measure. Protozones, i.e. unicellular organisms, resemble bacteria. Here similar drugs such as furazolidone and metronidazole are also effective. The respective dosage of the drugs is adjusted depending on the patient’s body weight and the severity of the infestation.

How contagious are parasites in the intestine?

The probability of contracting parasites in the intestine depends strongly on the individual lifestyle. If you come into contact with a sufficient amount of parasites, they are very contagious. Therefore, good hygiene conditions should be ensured, especially in countries where hygiene standards are low and the incidence of parasitic diseases is high.

This includes avoiding contaminated food and boiling off drinking water. But not only in such areas but everywhere else, the infection with parasites can be largely avoided by washing your hands properly, especially after the toilet and before eating. In addition, care should be taken not to eat directly from the forest floor, because some animals have parasite eggs in their faeces, which can also be found on berries and are very infectious.

Parasites that live in the tissue can also be infected by eating raw meat, eggs or milk. Since animals that travel a lot in nature and get infected can also transmit parasites, pets should be looked at carefully and searched for worms. Also with close contact to other people who are infested with parasites, the risk of infection is high. Therefore the whole family should be well examined if a member is infected.