Therapy | Gas during pregnancy


There are some drugs that can be successfully used for flatulence. As the study evidence is very scarce, there is no risk assessment for most drugs for use in pregnancy. Drugs for flatulence that are also frequently used in pregnancy are Lefax®or Sab Simplex®.

Both preparations contain the substance Dimeticon. How it works:Flatulence causes increased surface tension and foaming of the food in the intestine. Due to air bubbles on the surface, the nutrients and air cannot be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa as in the usual way, which leads to an air congestion in the intestinal area and the development of the annoying flatulence.

Dimeticon reduces the surface tension of the food pulp, which leads to an immediate collapse of the air bubbles and a reduction of the foam. As a result, the excessive air from the intestine can be absorbed immediately – the flatulence disappears. Both Sab Simplex and Lefax work in a similar way.

Consumation:During pregnancy they can be used without hesitation. However, it should be noted that they should first be taken for three days only and then a 14-day break must be observed. During these three days Lefax can be taken as a tablet with every meal.

Sab Simplex is available in drop form. Here adults should take 30-40 drops every 4-6 hours. In addition to these common medications, there are also naturopathic approaches that can also be very successful in treating flatulence during pregnancy.

Taking caraway helps very quickly, the effect is unfortunately not as lasting as the drug treatment. There are some homeopathic approaches which are also used again and again in the treatment of flatulence. To choose the right homeopathic remedy, the existing complaints must be classified accordingly. – Carbo vegetabilis: for strong, foul-smelling flatulence and strongly distended abdomen

  • Lycopodium: in case of additional heartburn and discomfort, especially after the consumption of pastries
  • Nux vomica: for additional constipation
  • Dioscorea villosa: for severe cramping pain after eating
  • Allium sativum: for severe flatulence with pain that also radiates to the upper body
  • Mahonia aquifolium: for odourless and less painful winds

Prognosis of flatulence during pregnancy

How long pregnant women suffer from flatulence depends largely on the triggering causes. If the flatulence is caused by lactose intolerance, the symptoms are likely to persist throughout the pregnancy and will continue to occur even after the pregnancy if no appropriate dietary changes or treatment are made. If the increased progesterone release is responsible for the flatulence, the symptoms are most severe in the first weeks of pregnancy, because the hormone is released more frequently during this time and the level drops afterwards.

The flatulence therefore decreases as the pregnancy progresses. If the flatulence is caused by the growing child, it can be assumed that the pregnant woman will suffer from flatulence more or less throughout the entire pregnancy. Flatulence caused by progesterone is particularly common.

As the level rises at the beginning of pregnancy, the symptoms can be expected to appear in the first weeks of pregnancy. Positional flatulence is naturally more likely to occur in advanced pregnancies (6-9 months). Lactose-related flatulence can occur at any time during pregnancy.

Flatulence in itself is not dangerous. Longer lasting and suddenly occurring flatulence outside a pregnancy should be clarified. During pregnancy, the cause of flatulence does not necessarily need to be investigated, as the occurrence is widespread and occurs in almost all pregnant women.