Therapy | Hypoglycemia in the child


In this case, the child should be given glucose by infusion for a short period of time. In this case, the symptoms are rapidly receding. For more harmless processes, such as trembling or cold sweat, a glass of cola or a piece of chocolate is often enough. However, if hypoglycemia recurs, one should always have a metabolic examination performed by a doctor to clarify the cause.

Consequences of hypoglycaemia

In most cases, newly occurring hypoglycaemia is noticed and specifically treated. Especially night-time hypoglycaemia that goes unnoticed or is not treated in time can, in the worst case, be fatal for the affected child. In addition, frequently occurring hypoglycaemia increases the risk of developing damage to the child’s heart. In addition, various studies have shown that the risk of damage to the child’s brain increases significantly after recurrent events, accompanied by the risk of developing dementia.