Therapy | Inflammation in the throat


The choice of the most appropriate treatment strategy depends primarily on the course of the inflammation in the throat. Furthermore, the therapy depends on the underlying cause. Since the acute inflammation in the throat is usually a viral infection, antibiotic treatment is not very effective.

For this reason, therapy in the presence of an acute inflammation in the throat is typically purely symptomatic. Painkillers (analgesics) can be used to relieve the pain. Drugs containing the active ingredient ibuprofen or paracetamol are particularly suitable for treating acute pharyngitis.

In a direct comparison of the two active ingredients, however, the use of ibuprofen is preferable. The reason for this is the fact that ibuprofen has anti-inflammatory properties in addition to its analgesic effect. Both drugs are equally suitable for reducing the fever that may be associated with the inflammatory processes.

In addition, swallowing difficulties can be alleviated by throat tablets with a local anesthetic effect. If a bacterial genesis of the inflammation in the throat can be detected by a rapid test, antibiotic therapy should be initiated. Since in these cases it is usually a streptococcal infection, penicillin is the antibiotic of choice.

If an abscess can be shown in the affected patient during the clinical examination, surgical treatment must be initiated immediately. Otherwise, the abscess may open spontaneously and the abscess cavity may empty into the body. The transfer of the bacterial pathogens into the bloodstream can then provoke the development of blood poisoning (sepsis).

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The most important measure in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the throat is the identification of the causative noxious agent (trigger). Once the cause of the chronic inflammation in the throat has been identified, it should be avoided as far as possible. For patients who regularly consume alcohol and/or nicotine, this means that smoking and/or drinking must be stopped.

As soon as the trigger of the inflammatory processes is stopped, the inflammation in the throat usually subsides to a large extent within a few weeks. The healing process can also be positively influenced by taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Above all, drugs containing the active ingredient ibuprofen or diclofenac are particularly suitable for relieving the symptoms typical of chronic inflammation in the throat.

In addition, drugs that moisturize or soothe the mucous membranes can accelerate the healing process. In addition, special salt or sage solutions, as well as sage sweets, Emser pastilles or Islamoos can provide relief. The long-term use of disinfectant solutions, on the other hand, should be urgently avoided.

If the inflammation in the throat occurs during radiation treatment, spraying with artificial saliva (active substance class of the so-called glandosans) can be helpful. Patients who have developed inflammatory processes in the pharynx due to obstruction of nasal breathing usually require surgical treatment. Over-the-counter drugs can help with pharyngitis against various components of the disease.

Medicines containing the active ingredient benzocaine are particularly effective against sore throats. These include AnginHEXAL dolo throat pastilles and Neo-angin Benzocaine dolo.Plant-based remedies often contain eucalyptus oil or lime blossom and have a cough-relieving and pain-relieving effect. Various medicines with the name Dobendan work specifically against the pathogens, and these medicines also relieve sore throats and hoarseness.

Painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol are also used. Prescription drugs include all types of antibiotics. In addition, many active ingredients from over-the-counter medicines become prescription-only due to a higher concentration.

Among the drugs used are: Amoxicillin, Cotrimoxazole, Erythromycin and Rocithromycin. ASS (Aspirin®), ibuprofen and paracetamol are used as painkillers. They also reduce fever.

In combination with antibiotics or other active substances, they are often only available on prescription. Acetylcysteine and ambroxol are prescribed for their expectorant effect. Household remedies are particularly recommended for throat inflammation caused by viruses.

In this case, drug treatment is usually not necessary. However, symptoms such as sore throat and hoarseness can be treated particularly well with household remedies. Anyone who has a sore throat due to an inflammation of the throat should be particularly careful to drink a lot.

This keeps the throat moist. Sage tea, tea with ginger and a hot lemon are particularly effective against sore throats. The ingredients of sage and ginger work against the pathogens in the throat and thus help the body to fight them.

The effect of various lozenges is also mainly based on the fact that the production of saliva is stimulated. In the case of pharyngitis, various globules with their respective active ingredients can be used. Both the dose and the agent used depend on the type of pharyngitis.

Hepar sulfuris is particularly recommended for purulent infections. Even if the tonsils are affected by the inflammation, hepar sulfuris is the remedy of choice. If, in addition to the throat, the salivary glands are also affected by the inflammation, Mercurius globules can be taken.

For particularly severe sore throats, remedies containing Phytolacca decandra can also be used. Especially in the early stages of sore throat, globules can alleviate the symptoms. Depending on the severity of the pharyngitis, however, a doctor should also be consulted, who may be able to prescribe antibiotics and painkillers.

Antibiotics are drugs that only work against bacteria. Therefore antibiotics do not make sense for most pharyngitis. In most cases, the inflammation is caused by viruses for which antibiotics are absolutely ineffective.

Bacterial pharyngitis usually has a more severe course and lasts for several weeks unless antibiotic treatment is given early on. In addition, bacterial inflammations are highly infectious. The most reliable sign of a bacterial pharyngitis is the presence of white-yellowish coatings (pustule) in the throat. This topic might also be of interest to you: Side strand gangina- What you should know