Therapy | Inflammation of epididymis


Antibiotics are given to treat the inflammation, depending on the pathogen and resistance. The therapy should be started immediately, so if an inflammation is suspected, it is important to see a doctor quickly. Furthermore, painkillers such as Diclofenac can help against the pain.

If the pain is very strong, a local anesthetic can be injected to relieve the pain. In addition, bed rest with elevation of the testicles until the acute inflammation subsides is important. Physical exertion and sports should be avoided.

Raising the testes prevents pain and facilitates the drainage of the lymphatic system. In addition, cold compresses around the affected testicle can also provide relief. If the diagnosis is uncertain or there is no response to the therapy, the testicle may have to be exposed during surgery.

This may involve cleansing the wound and splitting any abscess that may be present. In children, if the diagnosis is uncertain, the immediate exposure can exclude and correct a testicular torsion. If the inflammation does not subside despite treatment, or if it is chronic, surgical removal of the epididymis (epididymectomy) or cutting of the vas deferens (vasectomy) may be necessary. If the testicle is also affected by the inflammation or an abscess has formed, in severe cases the testicle may even be removed along with the epididymis (orchiectomy).

Therapy with natural remedies, home remedies & homeopathy

Antibiotic therapy is important and indicated in any case. However, herbal and homeopathic remedies can also help to shorten the course of the inflammation or to relieve the pain. For example, mud packs can be recommended.

Also a treatment with leeches, which are placed on the affected epididymis, can provide relief. Aurum preparations can also be given as homeopathic substances. Aurum chloratum natronat, Aurum colloidale, Aurum iodatum or Aurum metallicum are usually recommended. These homeopathic substances can be particularly helpful in the case of chronic and recurrent testicular inflammation in addition to targeted antibiotic therapy. However, care should be taken to ensure that the dosage is low and that only one preparation is used.