Therapy | Intimate skin rash


The treatment of a rash in the genital area depends on the underlying cause. It is by no means a uniform clinical picture that needs to be treated. Rather, there are many different causes that can cause a rash in the genital area.

Some genital rashes can be treated with topical medication. These are active ingredients that are applied directly to the skin in the form of ointments or drops, for example. This is the case with scabies, for example.

The common active ingredient in this treatment is permethrin. Crabs are also treated in this way. It is important to apply the active ingredient consistently and to treat your partner as well, otherwise you will infect each other.

In the case of a herpes infection of the genital area (herpes gentitalis), treatment is carried out with the active substance acyclovir, which is also applied in the form of an ointment. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. Another very common cause, especially in women, is fungal infections of the genital region.

These are treated with vaginal suppositories or vaginal creams containing active ingredients that combat the fungus. In most cases, these are Clotrimazole or Nystatin. Allergic skin rashes first require an allergy diagnosis.

Then the therapy usually consists of avoiding allergens, like a certain ointment. However, ointments containing cortisone can also be used for a limited period of time to relieve the symptoms. In addition, many herbal active substances have a calming, itch-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect.

You can read more information on this topic here: Home remedies for a rash

  • Scratch mite infestation: A very common cause of a rash in the intimate area of men is scratch mite infestation, also called scabies. A particularly common affected skin area is the shaft of the penis. The parasitic infestation is characterized by an agonizing itching.

    The scabies is treated with the active ingredient permethrin.

  • Felt lint: Another common cause is felt lint. These lice are transmitted during sexual intercourse. They are also treated with permethrin.

    Typical are itchy, blue-gray skin symptoms.

  • Gonorrhea: Sexually transmitted diseases are also among the most common causes of rashes in the genital area of men. Gonorrhea is the most common sexually transmitted disease worldwide. It mainly affects young men and manifests itself through inflammation of the urethra, pain when urinating, redness, itching and a typical purulent discharge, also known as Bonjour drops.

    Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics.

  • Soft chancre: Another sexually transmitted disease that leads to characteristic symptoms, especially in men, is the soft chancre, also called ulcer molle. This disease is caused by a bacterium (Haemophilus ducreyi) and manifests itself through a very painful small skin defect on the penis. This looks like a small ulcer. Here too, antibiotics are used for treatment.
  • Latex allergy: A latex allergy can also lead to allergic skin rashes in the genital area in men due to the use of condoms containing latex.However, this allergy is very rare. There can be mild skin rashes with itching and redness up to severe allergic reactions with shortness of breath.