Therapy | Kolpitis – the inflammation of the vagina


The therapy of colpitis depends on the respective pathogen. In case of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are usually administered. Fungal infections are treated with antimycotics.

Vaginal suppositories are often used, which have to be inserted into the vagina daily for a few days. In this case, the therapy is usually combined with an externally applied cream so that fungi that are externally in the intimate area are also killed. It is important that the treatment of the sexual partner is also taken into consideration.

This is especially true if unprotected sexual intercourse was practiced at the time of infection. Otherwise, there is a risk of mutual reinfection. In addition, after treatment of the colitis, a search for the cause should be carried out and risk factors for further colitis should be eliminated.

The establishment of a healthy vaginal environment is crucial for this. For example, the use of lactic acid bacteria (Döderlein bacteria) may be advisable. These can be introduced into the vagina in the form of capsules and rebuild the healthy vaginal flora there.

Drug therapy depends on the causative pathogens. The antibiotic metronidazole is often used for bacterial infections. It is particularly effective against bacteria that grow best without oxygen (anaerobic bacteria) and are often found in the vagina.

If the infection is caused by other bacteria, such as gonococci, the antibiotic must be adjusted accordingly and switched to Ceftriaxone. The antimycotic Clotrimazol is effective against fungal infections.Depending on the severity of the infection, the drugs can be used locally as suppositories or systemically as tablets. In addition, antiseptic agents such as Betaisadona are sometimes prescribed for local application.

If it is a sexually transmitted disease, the partner must always be treated as well to avoid the so-called ping-pong effect. The cause of inflammation and infection of the vaginal mucosa is a changed vaginal environment. Normally, acidic conditions with a pH value of 4-5 prevail here.

If the pH value changes, bacteria can more easily colonize. There are a number of home remedies that can possibly help to lower the pH value again. These include yoghurt and milk, which create an acidic environment due to the lactic acid bacteria they contain.

There are also household remedies, such as black tea and garlic, which are said to have an antibacterial effect. In addition, sitz baths with apple vinegar – also lowering the pH value – or tea tree oil (antibacterial) can be used. Additionally, seeds of fenugreek can be infused with hot water or drunk mixed with yoghurt.

Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that no medical efficacy has been proven for all these household remedies. The introduction of substances such as milk or garlic can additionally irritate the mucous membrane and also worsen the inflammation. Those affected should in any case consult a doctor and discuss possible treatment options.