Therapy | Mole bleeds – How dangerous is that?


No therapy is necessary for benign moles. A removal is even partially covered by health insurance companies if the spot is located in a disturbing or stressed area. Cosmetic procedures are not paid for, however.

If the microscopic examination of a suspicious mole after its removal confirms the presence of a black skin cancer, the progress of the disease must be clarified. This includes the removal of associated lymph nodes and the search for daughter ulcers (metastases) using imaging. In the early stage, removal of the melanoma as therapy is usually sufficient and the prognosis is good.

In advanced stages with metastases, chemotherapy is necessary and the prognosis decreases depending on the location of the metastases. In order to detect suspicious skin changes early, it is recommended to participate regularly (every two years) in the preventive medical checkup from the age of 35 onwards. All liver spots on the body are assessed according to the ABCD rule.

This is the best way to detect any changes that occur and to observe them in a temporal context. In general, it is also recommended to avoid sunburn by applying sunscreen or staying in the shade to reduce the risk.