Therapy | Mould allergy


The best and most sustainable therapy is to avoid contact with the allergen. With molds, this succeeds, similar to house dust rather less, because molds are present everywhere in the environment. However, some precautions and precautionary measures can still be taken.

These include regular cleaning of refrigerators and upholstered furniture and frequent ventilation of closed rooms. Damp rooms, e.g. bathrooms, should be ventilated more frequently to prevent a warm, damp environment from forming. It makes sense to check the refrigerator frequently and remove suspicious food, put perishable food in the refrigerator and do not leave it outside.

Walks in the forest should be avoided on warm, humid days. If an allergic reaction has already occurred, an attempt can be made to combat the symptoms locally. Skin redness can be treated with an antihistamine-containing ointment or eye drops can be given to burning or watery eyes.

If breathing difficulties occur, a systemic medication should be used. It makes sense to inhale a cortisone preparation in order to suppress the immune system, which is responsible for the allergic reaction, in the lung area. In severe respiratory problems, a cortisone-fenistil-ranitidine combination should be given as an infusion to suppress the entire immune system for this period and bind the released histamine.

As with all allergies, an attempt can be made to carry out a so-called hyposensitization in the case of lighter variants. In this process, the body is supplied with the allergenic substance in the hope that a habituation reaction will take place in the body, which will then make the allergic reaction easier to handle if the antigen is contacted again. As with all allergies, an attempt can be made to carry out a so-called hyposensitization with lighter variants.

In this process, the allergenic substance is supplied to the body and it is hoped that a habituation reaction takes place in the body, which then makes the allergic reaction easier to handle in the event of renewed contact with the antigen. There are various homeopathic remedies that can help with mold allergy. Acidium formicicum D12 is recommended for people with asthmatic complaints and itchy eyes.

In patients who are more likely to suffer from nasal problems, for example sneezing fits, itching and burning, Sabadilla D6. If the mouth and throat area is affected (clearing of throat, phlegm, coughing), Luffa operculata D6 is said to be the best remedy. Desensitization (or hyposensitization) aims at regularly supplying the body with the substance to which it is allergic (i.e. overreacting, so to speak).

As a result, this excessive immune reaction gradually weakens as the immune system “learns” that these molecules are actually not dangerous or harmful to the body. Desensitization can be done orally or by injection. It should be considered if the affected person cannot avoid contact with mold spores. Before desensitization is carried out, an attempt should therefore first be made to avoid the allergen, for example in the household or at the workplace. Desinsibilisation can lead to a long-term improvement of the allergic symptoms if avoidance is not possible.