Therapy | Neurodermatitis in the baby


Neurodermatitis is not curable until today, but there are different options to alleviate the symptoms. In addition, in one third of all babies the symptoms disappear after the age of 6 years and the baby can then live as a child without the skin disease. Although there is no therapy for the babies, some measures can be taken to reduce most of the symptoms.

First of all, one should be aware that the baby lacks the necessary protective film over the skin because the sebum production is greatly reduced. Therefore, all irritations that draw additional moisture from the skin should be avoided. These include clothing that is too tight, chlorine water, bath additives or shower gels with additives and sweat.

Instead, the baby should be washed daily with an oil bath and smeared with a moisturizing cream, because good skin care for the baby helps to alleviate the symptoms. Clothing should be made of cotton or linen, as these do not dry out the skin unnecessarily. Since the baby constantly suffers from itching, it will also try to scratch itself.

Therefore the fingernails should always be as short as possible. In addition, it should be avoided that the baby sweats too much, as this can lead to the skin drying out or dry skin. Cream is an essential treatment component for neurodermatitis.

The skin of affected children is very dry and therefore requires careful care. A good lotion or ointment is therefore indispensable as a basic therapy. Creams with a high moisture content and rather low fat content or ointments with a high fat content but rather low moisture content can be considered.

Depending on the condition of the skin, one or the other variant is more appropriate. For the therapy of acute flare-ups of neurodermatitis mainly ointments containing cortisone are used. Cortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The treating pediatrician will select the most suitable preparation for the child. Although cortisone ointments do not have any effect on the inside of the body, they do cause a significant thinning of the skin with the development of parchment skin when used over a long period of time. Stretch marks can also develop.

Nevertheless, the cortisone ointment is an indispensable medicine for children with neurodermatitis. and skin care for neurodermatitisIt is very important for neurodermatitis to keep the very dry skin moisturized. Several times a day several times a day with fatty and moisturizing lotions is a good household remedy.

Soap can also be used in combination with moisturizing products. When bathing, a bath oil can be used which leaves a greasy film on the skin. Afterwards, the child should of course also be creamed.

Certain bandages can also be helpful for acute agonizing rashes. After applying a greasy care cream, a moist bandage can be applied. For example, a bandage with oak bark can be applied.

1-2 teaspoons of oak bark should be poured over a cup of cold water and boiled up for about 5 minutes. Let it cool down for about 15 minutes, dip a towel in it, wring it out slightly and wrap it over the affected area. There are numerous homeopathics which are said to have a soothing effect on neurodermatitis.

These include: Zinkum metallicum (zinc), Silizea (silicic acid/silica), Thuja (tree of life), Graphites (graphite), Dolichos pruriens (itching bean), Taraxacum (dandelion), Mezereum (daphne), Natrium muriaticum (table salt), Arsenicum album (white arsenic), Psorinum (scabies), Sarsaparilla (smurf berries) and Sulfur (sulfur). However, most of these homeopathic remedies have no advantages over placebos. Parents of children with atopic dermatitis can consult a homeopath to supplement homeopathic remedies. However, they do not replace medical therapy.