Therapy of a circulatory disorder in the intestine | Circulatory disorder intestine

Therapy of a circulatory disorder in the intestine

The treatment of the two forms of reduced intestinal supply is different. Acute intestinal infarction due to an obstruction must be treated immediately by means of surgery, otherwise the affected section of the intestine dies. The abdominal wall must be opened and the affected vessel made continuous again in order to limit the damage.

If this is not possible, a bypass operation is used to supply the affected section of the intestine with blood and oxygen again by diverting another artery. In this way, the supply of the area of the diseased vessel is bridged by a healthy artery. In the case of reduced supply, which is slowly progressing due to calcification of the artery wall, the degree of narrowing is determined first.

By changing one’s lifestyle, a large group of risk factors can be reduced and thus the risk of a final narrowing of the vessel can be reduced. Especially factors that promote blood flow have a positive influence. One of these is exercise, for example.

With the help of medication, the risk factors of high blood pressure or high blood lipids can be reduced. One drug that should be mentioned here is Naftidrofuryl. If the patient has pain due to reduced blood circulation, the pain should also be treated.

In the case of severe constriction due to calcium carbonate, the occlusion of the vessel can be counteracted by minor surgery. Such procedures are, for example, peeling off the affected vessel or stretching the vessel from the inside. As in the case of the heart, the insertion of a wire frame (stent) may also be indicated, which ensures that the vessel remains open even after dilation.

Diagnosis of a circulatory disorder in the intestine