Therapy of a furuncle in the genital area | Boils in the genital area

Therapy of a furuncle in the genital area

A general therapy recommendation for furuncles is to keep the affected body parts calm and gentle. This is especially difficult in the genital area. But in order to dampen the painful effect from the outside, it helps to pad the furuncle with gauze bandages so that the clothing does not chafe further.

It must be emphasized again and again that under no circumstances should the boil be pressed. Usually the pus herd empties itself by itself. Then it is important to disinfect the wound regularly, wound and mucous membrane disinfectant is particularly suitable for this, as it does not burn on wounds.

Externally, some ointments (e.g. Ichtholan® Ointment) are used, whereby the cost-benefit of the ointments is evaluated differently. Pull ointments are blood circulation-promoting, anti-inflammatory ointments that reduce the sebum flow and promote the absorption and uptake of dead cells. They are usually made from oil shale.

An important substance is ammonium bituminosulfate, which is contained in the pulling ointment. The pulling ointment is supposed to promote the spontaneous breakthrough of furuncle. In the intimate area only shale oil sulfonates up to 20% concentration should be used.

However, the use of pulling ointment should be questioned critically, as the doctrine is sometimes held that it softens the skin over a boil and thus promotes the development of an abscess. Also to be considered critically are the pulling ointments due to the possible allergic reactions which can occur due to the components of the ointment. In general, the use of pulling ointments is therefore not recommended today.

The conservative therapy is in most cases carried out by the family doctor or a dermatologist. Microbiologists are also involved, as in some cases a precise analysis of the bacteria is necessary. If an operation is necessary, a general surgeon is consulted.In principle, any doctor can take over the treatment of a furuncle.

Especially in the case of women, the gynecologist is more often confronted with the disease. However, most specialists refer to the treating family doctor. In many cases, a boil can also be treated conservatively in the genital area.

In medicine, however, the principle is that pus must always be removed from the body. If this does not happen on its own, a minimally invasive treatment can be used. The family doctor can try this on the spot in his practice.

With a sterile scalpel, the doctor makes an incision into the boil and the pus can drain off more easily. If the boil is too deep, a proper operation can be performed. Under mostly local anesthesia the boil can be opened in the hospital.

With a sharp spoon pus and broken tissue are removed. This treatment ensures that no pus remains in the wound, which could provoke a relapse. Whether surgery is necessary depends on the size and location of the wound.

Especially immunocompromised patients are more likely to be advised to undergo surgery, as otherwise the furuncle may open up to the inside and cause blood poisoning. In the genital area, some of those affected also decide to have an operation themselves, as the furuncle there is felt to be very disturbing and restrictive. An operation should always be considered if no other improvement can be achieved.

If the boils occur during pregnancy, special care should be taken with the use of ointments and medication. It is important that the applied remedies do not harm the child by being transmitted to the child via the bloodstream and placenta. In any case, a doctor should decide on the treatment of furuncle in order to avoid harming the child.

Of course, the same rules apply to independent therapy and hygiene as to all others. Particularly during pregnancy, care must be taken that the furuncle does not become inflamed or spread. Also at this point it must be pointed out with urgency that the boil should not be expressed.

Either the spot opens by itself or it is opened by a doctor. A furuncle can heal by itself and those affected can use homeopathic remedies to help. Homeopaths recommend Hepar sulphuris calcareum and Pyrogenium for the beginning and for increasing swelling Siegesbeckia orientalis.

If the pain increases and there is no improvement after three days, a doctor should be consulted, as conventional medical treatment is then necessary. Diabetics should go directly to a doctor and should not try self-treatment. There are various home remedies against boils.

A used black tea bag can be placed directly on the boil. The contained tannins can kill the bacteria that cause the boils. While the furuncle is emptying, a absorbent cotton ball dipped in salt water can help it to empty.

A very old household remedy is kale, which is boiled, placed on the boil and glued. Tea tree oil can also have an antibacterial effect and promote healing. Furthermore, St. John’s wort is spoken of as a remedy.

Tea tree oil belongs to the alternative home remedies which can be used against boils. Tea tree oil is an old remedy which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can kill bacteria. It can also accelerate the healing of the skin.

Since some people have reported allergic reactions to tea tree oil, its compatibility should be tested in advance. For this purpose, a small amount of tea tree oil can be applied to healthy skin. If there is no improvement, a doctor should be consulted after three days at the latest.