Therapy of pain when breathing in right | Pain when breathing in right

Therapy of pain when breathing in right

The therapy of pain when inhaling is strongly dependent on the cause. Often a symptomatic therapy of the complaints with painkillers is sufficient. Typically, preparations such as Ibuprofen, Novalgin or Paracetamol are used for this purpose.

If the pain on inhalation is so severe that natural breathing is impaired, temporarily stronger painkillers can also be used. In addition, a detailed therapy of the cause is often useful. In the case of heart, liver and bile diseases, specific therapy of the affected organ should be carried out.

Muscular complaints in the area of the back, chest and shoulder can often be treated by physiotherapy. Antibiotics can be used for infectious causes, provided that the triggers for the disease are bacteria. In contrast, antibiotics are not effective in a viral infection. In addition, depending on the disease, the accompanying symptoms of the cause should also be treated symptomatically.

Duration and prognosis of pain when inhaled right

The duration of the pain when breathing in on the right depends on the cause of the pain. In the case of muscular problems on the upper body, the pain usually subsides within a few days. If irritated nerve fibers are the cause of the complaints, recovery may take longer.

Diseases of the heart and liver are often chronic diseases that last a lifetime. Depending on the severity of the disease, life expectancy may also be limited. One of the most dangerous causes of pain when breathing in on the right side can be a pronounced pulmonary embolism. If this is not detected in time, the patient suffers severe shortness of breath and a severe malfunction of the heart, which can lead to life-threatening complications.

Disease progression of pain when inhaling right

The course of the pain when breathing in on the right side is usually unspectacular. Typically, the symptoms increase within the first few days. When the acute disease causing the symptoms subsides, the pain improves again after a few days. If, on the other hand, a chronic illness is the cause of the pain, the symptoms initially begin to creep up. Without an adequate therapy of the underlying disease, the pain becomes increasingly worse when breathing in.