Therapy of pus pimples on the scalp | Pimples on the scalp

Therapy of pus pimples on the scalp

The basis of the treatment of pus pimples on the scalp is to protect the scalp. Regardless of the cause of the development of pus pimples on the scalp. In order for the scalp to regenerate and heal, it needs to be handled gently.

This means that all hair cosmetics such as hair setting lotion, hair gel, hair spray, tints or dyes should be avoided. As long as the scalp is damaged, blow-drying, straightening the hair with a straightening iron or the use of a curling iron should be avoided. If the pus-filled pustules have been triggered by a particular hair care product, you should of course no longer use it.

At best, a mild, fragrance-free shampoo with a low pH value should be used. If possible, the hair should not be washed daily. In some cases tea tree oil or argan oil can have a disinfecting effect.

It can help to dry out the pus pimples on the scalp. The oil should be applied to the affected areas with a clean, lint-free cotton swab. Camomile can help against itching.

You can make your own camomile rinse. First, brew a broth with three chamomile tea bags or a handful of chamomile flowers. This brew must then be steeped and cooled down a little.

When the brew is only lukewarm, it can be massaged into the scalp. Afterwards, the camomile rinse is not rinsed out, but the hair can dry. If the pus pimples have developed due to intolerances, the lifestyle should be adjusted accordingly after an allergy test.

If stress is the cause of the pus-filled pustules, a lifestyle modification is useful. If the pus pimples on the scalp are caused by infections or other underlying diseases, they may need to be treated with medication. For example, antibiotics are used for bacterial infections and anti-fungal agents for fungal infections. The following topic may also be of interest to you: How impure skin is treated