Therapy of ravenous hunger | Ravenous hunger

Therapy of ravenous hunger

Cravings are often only a symptom, so it is important to identify and treat the underlying cause. If ravenous appetite occurs after long meal breaks or physical exertion, usually no therapy is necessary.Adolescents in the growth phase and especially pregnant women can seek medical advice in the event of an increased incidence of ravenous appetite attacks in order to rule out a possible undersupply of important nutrients, malnutrition or metabolic disease. In most cases, however, hormone fluctuations that do not require therapy are the cause.

You should take the following tips to heart if you want to counteract ravenous appetite attacks: More serious diseases than those mentioned so far cannot be treated by these rules of conduct. In the case of diabetes, a diet and exercise plan is usually drawn up initially in order to reduce blood sugar levels and lose weight if possible. In addition, medication is prescribed to adjust the blood sugar level to an acceptable level as quickly as possible and to avoid any consequential damage.

Appetite suppressants can also be used or a surgical procedure, such as a reduction in the size of the stomach in extreme cases of overweight, can be considered. Medications are also given with good success in cases of thyroid gland dysfunction. If you are on a diet or under stress, your doctor may recommend preventive measures.

Depression is treated with medication depending on its severity, but psychotherapy can also help. For the treatment of the eating-breaking addiction or binge-eating disorder, psychotherapeutic treatment methods are usually considered, especially conversation or behavior therapy. If medication itself is the cause of the overeating attacks, a change is recommended with the help of medical advice.

  • Eat slowly and leisurely. In this way you give your body time to develop feelings of satiety and eat less overall or, in the best case, eat exactly the amount you need.
  • Avoid sweet or salty snacks if possible. If they are overcome by ravenous appetite, they prefer to resort to healthy options such as fruit or vegetables.
  • Avoid eating in stressful, boring or emotionally disturbing situations. Do not accustom your body to food as a reward or distraction.