Therapy of tachycardia in case of inner restlessness and stress | Therapy of tachycardia

Therapy of tachycardia in case of inner restlessness and stress

If tachycardia is associated with stress and anxiety, a healthy lifestyle and relaxation techniques are important. If possible, triggering factors should be avoided or minimized. Medications are not usually used.

Besides a balanced diet, fresh air and sufficient physical activity play an important role.Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine consumption should be avoided as far as possible. In acute situations the following measures can be helpful. You should sit upright and concentrate on your breathing.

Then take ten slow deep breaths in and out. If the heartbeat still has not normalized, you can continue with the following exercise. To do this, use your index and middle finger on the neck to find the pulse rate and massage at this point with little pressure.

This may only be done on one side and with low pressure, otherwise unconsciousness could be triggered. In addition, you can exert slight counter pressure in the chest. The so-called vagotonus as part of the parasympathetic nervous system can also be increased by holding the nose closed and exhaling against the closed mouth. Relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson or autogenic training are also used.

Homeopathy for tachycardia

For the treatment of the harmless tachycardia, which cannot be justified organically, the possibility of a herbal treatment exists. It is a purely symptomatic therapy that does not treat the underlying cause. The active ingredients contained in the plant are said to have a calming effect on the heart.

They lower the heart rate and promote the blood circulation of the heart muscles. Ignatia is recommended for various heart actions that are perceived as unpleasant. Take 3 globules before each meal.

The active substance is said to be especially helpful in connection with anxiety symptoms. If tachycardia occurs preferentially during stress, Argentum nitricum can bring about a symptomatic improvement. Other substances have the names Ambra grisea, Aconitum appelus, Coffea and Lycopus.