Therapy of the three-month colic | Fight cramps

Therapy of the three-month colic

In the case of three-month colic of newborns, fennel or aniseed teas can be used to try to relieve the symptoms. Abdominal massages in the clockwise direction with caraway oil should also provide relief. It is important to note that the children do not get flatulent food to eat, as this would in any case intensify the painful situation. The treatment of the three-month colic is purely symptomatic. As soon as the intestinal passages and intestinal movement have regulated with advancing age, the complaints disappear.

Alternative medical treatment of cramps

Before resorting to medical means of treatment, an attempt can be made to treat with heat. In many cases, the application of a hot-water bottle will relieve the tendency to cramps. You can also try to relieve the cramp-like symptoms by drinking tea.

Teas with the active ingredients peppermint, caraway, aniseed or fennel are used in particular. Hormone-related cycle-dependent menstrual pain can be treated with Agnus castus (monk’s pepper) as an alternative medicine. The treatment of neurological cramps should never be carried out using alternative medicine.