Therapy | Pain when breathing


The treatment of pain when breathing naturally depends on the cause. It is important to recognize at the beginning whether a harmless or serious illness leads to the pain. Pain that originates from nerves or muscles is treated conservatively.

Here, it is often sufficient to release the tension by moderate movement and specific exercises. Massages and the application of heat can be used to support the treatment. In the case of pneumonia, antibiotic therapy must be initiated.

This should only be done at home in mild cases. If the pain emanates from the gall bladder, surgery may be necessary. The gallbladder is removed.

A peptic ulcer is treated with long-term drug therapy in which the production of acid in the stomach is inhibited. A pulmonary embolism and a heart attack are absolute emergencies. They must be treated in hospital as soon as possible.

Here the blocked vessels can be reopened. In addition, intensive care measures are usually taken to promote healing and prevent recurrence. If a rheumatic disease is the cause of the pain when breathing, a complex drug treatment is used in addition to painkillers.

This should also be adjusted by a specialist. Pain when breathing can make itself noticeable among other things in the chest. The cause can also be various things.

On the one hand, there are all things that can cause pain when breathing in other places. For example, inflammation of the lungs or surrounding structures can also be felt in the chest. Also a collapsed lung, a heart problem or trauma must be considered.

Especially in the chest pain can occur in the context of cardiac arrhythmia. Nevertheless, the most frequent cause of pain when breathing in the chest is nervous or muscular tension. Shingles is another cause of breathing pain that tends to occur on the chest.

In this case there is pain over an entire horizontal area of skin, which is accompanied by visible blisters on the skin. In women, pain when breathing in the chest can have quite different causes. In this case, monthly tensions and pain in the breast can occur during the female cycle.

These can also be respiratory. Important sections of the airways are located in the throat. The throat merges here into the larynx and trachea.

All these structures can cause pain when breathing. In most cases, an inflammatory process is responsible for pain when breathing in the throat. First and foremost is the classic inflammation of the throat (pharyngitis), which is accompanied by a reddened throat and pain when swallowing.

Both bacteria (e.g. scarlet fever) and viruses (e.g. the common cold) can be responsible.An inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) can also cause pain when breathing in the throat. Often both diseases merge into each other.

Antibiotics are used to treat bacteria. If viruses are responsible for the complaints, symptomatic treatment must be given with painkillers, warm tea and bed rest. In addition to bacterial or viral pathogens, environmental stimuli can also lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For example, excessive nicotine consumption or harmful exhaust fumes can lead to pain when breathing in the throat. As a rule, pain when breathing in the throat can be treated well depending on the cause. After a few days, the pain should disappear again.

If this is not the case, a doctor should be consulted for further clarification. Below the larynx, there may also be pain when breathing in the windpipe. Usually responsible is a viral infection of the windpipe (tracheitis), so that pain occurs with every breath.

It is not uncommon for tracheitis to occur with inflammation of the bronchi, i.e. the airways within the lungs. Overall, it is a harmless disease. Smoking can also cause pain when breathing through the windpipe.

As a rule, no special treatment is required. Light painkillers and refraining from smoking support the healing process, which should occur within a week. Pain can occur not only when breathing, but also when coughing.

Pain when coughing is caused by irritation of the mucous membranes of the trachea, larynx and throat. It is mainly felt at the back of the throat and in the throat. Pain may also be felt in the area of the flanks when coughing, even if the lung membrane is inflamed.

If the cough has been present for a longer period of time and bloody sputum occurs, a lung tumor must be considered. Although this is a rather rare cause of painful coughing, it must still be ruled out by a doctor if necessary. In some cases the pain is felt when breathing in the abdomen.

This is because the diaphragm exerts pressure on the organs in the abdomen when breathing in. If one of these organs is damaged, pain when breathing can be felt in the abdomen. The most likely cause is an inflamed gall bladder.

In this case, pain when breathing would be felt on the right side of the abdomen. If the stomach is responsible, the pain would be in the middle or on the left side. However, pain when breathing in the abdomen can also simply be caused by intestinal loops filled with air or food being compressed and thus becoming irritated.

Pain when breathing is usually felt in the chest. The lungs, heart, lung membrane or bones can be responsible for the pain. Nerves and muscles run along the ribs, which can also cause pain when breathing in the chest.

A typical symptom is chest pain after a violent impact that causes a contusion. Dangerous causes of chest pain when breathing are heart attack and pulmonary embolism. If the pain is mild, it can be waited.

If the complaints are severe and additional symptoms occur, a doctor must be consulted. Pain when breathing can also occur in the sternum. Typical of this is the rare Tietze syndrome.

Here, the ribs on the sternum are painful for an as yet unknown cause. A rheumatic disease can also be the cause of pain when breathing at the breastbone. More likely for pain when breathing at the breastbone is a sore muscle of the interrib muscles or a blow frontally against the chest.

Another cause of pain when breathing at the breastbone can also be heartburn. Stomach acid rising into the esophagus causes a burning pain behind the sternum. This can manifest itself as pain when breathing.

A cold or bronchitis is a viral infection of the mucous membranes. The irritation of the mucous membranes and the accompanying cough causes pain. However, pain when breathing when having a cold can also be an indication that a bacterial inflammation has been added to the cold or bronchitis.

This pain is caused by the involvement of the lung membrane and the lungs. Then the use of antibiotics is indicated. However, slight pain when breathing in the upper airways in bronchitis and colds are normal.