
Since the symptoms disappear on their own, the main focus is on the treatment of risk factors. If the symptoms, such as paralysis, persist for a few weeks, physiotherapy may be beneficial. However, the most important thing is to prevent a stroke from developing properly after the PRIND.

If a PRIND is diagnosed, the probability of suffering a stroke within a week is quite high. Therefore the cause of the stroke must be treated immediately. The cause thus determines the therapy.

If the cause is a blood clot, the formation of a new blood clot must be prevented. Risk factors include, as already described above: high blood pressure, pregnancy, coagulation disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, varicose veins, diabetes, obesity and high blood lipid levels. High blood pressure is usually treated with medication.

There are a number of drugs available today for this purpose, and they can also be prescribed for only low or no increased blood pressure. An optimal value is 120/80. Lifestyle changes are also important to keep blood pressure low.

Coagulation disorders can also be treated with medication, the most common being Marcumar or Aspirin. Diabetes, popularly known as “diabetes”, obesity and high blood lipid levels could sometimes be treated by lifestyle changes alone. However, drugs are only taken after a PRIND because they work faster and are easier to handle.

If the carotid arteries are covered with a lot of plaque, there is a risk that the plaque will detach and “fly” into the brain, blocking the vessels there and thus triggering a PRIND. Therefore, if there is a large deposit of plaque in the carotid arteries, surgery may be necessary. This involves cutting open the carotid arteries and removing the plaque.

Despite the many drug treatment options, it is important to change your lifestyle to reduce the risk of stroke. A panacea is for example sport. Through regular exercise, many illnesses can be improved or sometimes even cured.

These include illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood lipid levels. These in turn are the main causes of a mini stroke. In the beginning, it is sufficient to go for a walk for half an hour a day and slowly increase this.

Nutrition also plays a very important role in the development of diseases. Fatty or highly sugary food favors plaque formation and all the above-mentioned risk factors. Smoking is another reason for vascular changes and thus also for the PRIND.