Therapy | Stomach cramps with nausea


The treatment of stomach cramps that occur in combination with nausea depends on the underlying disease. In the case of inflammation of the stomach lining, so-called proton pump inhibitors (acid blockers) are usually used. If bacterial pathogens can be detected in the affected patient, antibiotic treatment is required.

Also in the case of stomach cramps and nausea caused by food poisoning, an antibiotic must be administered in most cases. Since gastroenteritis which leads to stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea is usually a viral disease, the treatment is symptom-oriented. The fever is reduced by taking ibuprofen or paracetamol.

In addition, affected patients should ensure that they have a sufficient fluid intake. When using home remedies for stomach cramps, the cause of the symptoms is also decisive for which home remedies can help. In the case of cramps after too large, heavy meals, a “digestive schnapps” can often bring improvement, but this is not advisable, especially in stomach cramps with nausea.

As unproblematic household remedies, herbal teas are particularly important here, whereby gentian, fennel, chamomile and caraway have a particularly calming effect on the stomach. Also warmth from outside in the form of hot-water bottles or heat wraps often do very good for stomach aches. These heat wraps can also be combined with compresses containing healing earth.

These are supposed to bring relaxation in the abdomen and relieve cramps. In general, relaxation exercises, especially when lying down, are often helpful, as the origin of stomach cramps and nausea is often external stress and restlessness. The consumption of acidic foods and drinks such as fruit, coffee, alcohol or carbonated drinks should be avoided, especially in cases of severe nausea.

These foods lead to an increased irritation of the stomach lining and usually aggravate the symptoms. On the other hand, drinking a little still water often stimulates digestion or neutralizes the acid in the stomach.Small amounts of bread, oatmeal, pretzels or almonds can also help to neutralize stomach acid in case of nausea. In general, care should be taken to ensure that small and light meals are eaten in the case of stomach cramps with nausea in order to avoid overloading the already irritated stomach. If the cause of the stomach cramps is a previous meal that is not tolerated, we strongly advise against forced vomiting, as this only causes further damage to the digestive tract.