Therapy | Stomach pain and flatulence


The treatment of stomach pain and/or flatulence depends entirely on the cause. If they are harmless and based, for example, on the diet or stress, antispasmodic (spasmolytics such as butylscopalamine), analgesic, and flatulence (fennel tea) drugs, as well as drugs that inhibit the formation of acid in the stomach (proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole), can certainly help. Warmth, relaxation and lightly massaging the stomach clockwise can also be helpful.

Home remedies (home remedies for stomach pain) can also help to alleviate symptoms when treating stomach pain without a serious cause. However, if the stomach pain and flatulence are an expression of an underlying disease, this should be treated first and foremost (e.g. therapy of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, possible discontinuation of irritating/damaging medication, antibiotic administration for gastrointestinal infections, etc. ).


To avoid stomach pain and flatulence, affected patients can take care of some things themselves to prevent unnecessary discomfort. A healthy, balanced, low-irritant diet (moderate amounts, not too fatty or overly spicy, etc. ), a reduction in the intake of flatulent foods (legumes, cabbage, onions), as well as abstaining from alcohol and nicotine, can help in many cases.

You should also make sure that you eat more slowly, chew your food well and eat smaller portions. In addition, a sufficient amount to drink throughout the day and regular physical activity reduces the risk of suffering from stomach aches and flatulence. If there are food intolerances, the “be-all and end-all” is to abstain completely from the foods that cause the complaints (milk sugar, gluten, fructose). Going to a dietician can be helpful and make it much easier to integrate the intolerance into everyday life. If psychological stress (stress, anger, grief, fear) is the trigger for permanent gastrointestinal complaints, relaxing measures such as autogenic training or even, if necessary, psychological therapy can noticeably alleviate the symptoms.

Stomach pain and flatulence during pregnancy

Stomach pain and flatulence are common during pregnancy. Due to the hormonal changes, digestion in the stomach and intestines is slowed down already in early pregnancy. This leads to increased gas formation and sometimes to stomach pain.

If the baby grows, the stomach is additionally compressed, thus increasing the pain. Especially large meals and bloated foods such as Brussels sprouts, beans or broccoli can cause pain and flatulence during pregnancy. As a rule, the symptoms stop with the end of the pregnancy. In order to overcome the time until birth, for example, small instead of a few large meals can often be eaten and more exercise can be incorporated into everyday life.