Therapy | Travel sickness


Therapeutically, different measures can be taken when symptoms of motion sickness occur. There are some drugs that can be used in the context of motion sickness. Unfortunately, they do not work equally well for everyone affected, so that everyone has to find the remedy that suits them.

The forms in which the drugs are administered are also very different. Dimenhydrinate, which belongs to the group of antihistamines and can be used to treat motion sickness, is available in the classic tablet form, for example, or even as chewing gum in the pharmacy, which you should then chew while driving or flying. Another form of drug treatment for motion sickness is the application of patches that continuously release the corresponding active ingredient.

Medicines against motion sickness are available in large quantities in pharmacies. They are offered in a wide variety of dosage forms, so the affected patient should try out a few options to find the most optimal dosage form for him or her. The active ingredient dimenhydrinate belongs to the group of so-called antihistamines, which are known to be taken in the context of allergies.

A further property of the drug is its “antiemetic” effect. It therefore helps against nausea and vomiting. It is available as tablets, dragees or in the form of chewing gum.

The chewing gums should be taken as soon as the symptoms appear. Another effective drug for travel sickness is scopolamine. It belongs to the group of parasympatholytics.

This drug is also effective against nausea and vomiting. It also has a sedative effect and is usually available in the form of a patch. However, this must be applied to the skin a few hours before the start of the trip, otherwise it cannot release its active ingredient quickly enough.The great advantage of this patch is that the active ingredient, even if the person vomits, enters the body, unlike the tablets.

Alternatively, herbal medicines can be used in the treatment of motion sickness. Ginger in particular plays an important role here. Ginger is used for digestive problems, but also in the therapy of nausea and vomiting.

It is also often used to prevent motion sickness. Ginger is available in tablet and dragee form as well as in tea infusion. It should be taken for the first time about half an hour before the start of the journey.

Dimenhydrinate (Vomex®) is available in tablet form for the treatment of motion sickness. In addition to its anti-allergic effect – it actually belongs to the group of so-called antihistamines – another effect of this active ingredient is used in the treatment of travel sickness: it is effective against nausea as well as vomiting. At the same time it has a sedative effect, which is also beneficial for the psychological component of motion sickness.

It is not necessary to take the tablets in advance, but they can be taken as needed when you notice that the motion sickness is slowly becoming noticeable. Another drug that is available in the form of tablets is cinnarizine. It is usually used in the field of vertigo therapy for certain ear diseases.

However, since it also has a positive effect on nausea and vomiting, it is also used in the treatment of motion sickness. There are also some remedies in homeopathy that can be taken for motion sickness. In order to find the right remedy, one must know the symptoms and compare them with the descriptions of the respective homeopathic remedies.

If none of the descriptions matches exactly with your own symptoms, you should choose the remedy that best fits the descriptions. In homeopathy, borax D12, petroleum D12, tabacum D12, nux vomica and cocculus D12 are most commonly used to treat and prevent motion sickness. Cocculus D12 is probably the strongest agent for the treatment of motion sickness. Especially for small children, homeopathic remedies are more likely to be used, as many alternative therapies are not approved for children due to their age.