Therapy with Macronutrients and Micronutrients

Micronutrient therapy (vital substances) is an essential component of nutritional medicine: it is used to provide your body with an optimal supply of micronutrients* (vital substances) that it needs for its many cellular and organ functions.The body can produce some micronutrients itself, but it must absorb many as natural components of food. * Micronutrients include: Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, vital fatty acids and amino acids, secondary plant substances and other micronutrients (vital substances). Our food supply today is diverse. However, the quality of our food can be influenced by many factors:

  • Industrial food production
  • Processed food
    • Heating, freezing, drying, canning, irradiation, blanching, refining, additives, impurities.
  • Micronutrient losses of food
    • Due to long transport routes and storage, as well as kitchen processing.
    • Storage, preparation, preparation, frying, grilling, frying, cooking, processing in the microwave, baking.

Personal pressures such as stress, stimulant consumption, unbalanced and irregular diet often result in an individual micronutrient additional requirements. An additional individual micronutrient additional requirements (vital substances) may be due to, among other things:

Biographical causes

  • Genetic factors
    • Biochemical individuality – genetically determined different equipment e.g. with scavenger enzyme systems (radical scavenging enzymes), which also means different sensitivity to noxae (e.g. alcohol, tobacco consumption, drugs); furthermore e.g. genetically determined absorption, transport and enzyme defects or reduced synthesis (production) of enzymes etc., partly also acquired (e.g. due to disease). This different body chemistry leads to individual nutritional needs.
  • Life phases
    • Children/Adolescents
    • Pregnancy/breastfeeding phase
    • Age

Behavioral causes

  • Nutrition
    • Diets – vegetarianism, veganism, raw foodists.
    • Irregular eating and frequent skipping of meals.
    • Unbalanced eating habits
    • Consumption of high amounts of energy from fat, protein, sugar and alcohol.
    • Low intake of dietary fiber
    • Acidosis due toincreased intake of “acidic” foods (such as meat, cheese, milk, eggs and sweets) or too low intake of alkaline foods (such as vegetables and fruits).
    • Canteen food – too little fresh fruits and vegetables and milk and dairy products, etc.
    • Diets, fasting cures
    • Malnutrition and malnutrition (especially in old age) – e.g., unbalanced and inadequate food intake; reduced enzyme activity; impaired membrane functions and transport processes; absorption disorders.
  • Consumption of stimulants
  • Physical activity
    • Competitive sports
    • Heavy physical work
  • Occupational and emotional stress
    • Z. E.g. double burden of work and household
    • Insomnia (sleep disorders)

Causes related to disease


  • Long-term drug use

Insufficient micronutrient intake (vital substances) can lead to disturbed metabolic processes in the body, as well as an increase in free radicals.Free radicals are highly reactive, very aggressive chemical oxygen molecules or organic compounds that contain oxygen.Free radicals can damage cell envelopes and cell organs and with cause such as:

  • Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) – coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction (heart attack), apoplexy (stroke).
  • Tumor diseases (cancer)
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Inflammations as well as disorders of the immune system
  • Cataract (cataract)
  • Diabetes mellitus and its sequelae
  • Neurodegenerative diseases – Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease.
  • Periodontitis
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Aging processes

Through a vital substance analysis, your individual micronutrient requirements (vital substances) is determined. You will learn what can lead to the insufficient micronutrient supply of your body and receive an individual micronutrient therapy based on your analysis.

Your benefit

An individual micronutrient therapy guarantees an optimal supply of all vital micronutrients (vital substances) to your body according to your individual micronutrient requirements. Micronutrients are a valuable and necessary supplement to your daily diet. They serve your health, well-being, attractiveness and vitality.