TherapyApplication areasEffect | Melissa

TherapyApplication areasEffect

First and foremost are the antispasmodic, relaxing properties of balm, which are contained in the essential oils. The calming effect of lemon balm on the nervous stomach cannot be ignored. It is particularly suitable for sensitive people who often complain of an irritable stomach or irritable bowel.

The vegetative nervous system in the digestive tract is calmed and relaxed by lemon balm. Stomach pressure, flatulence and discomfort are relieved. The lemon balm can also be combined with peppermint.

Lemon balm also has a beneficial effect on insomnia. In combination with valerian and hops, it is used for restlessness and insomnia. In recent scientific clinical studies, dementia patients (dementia = memory loss in old age) have been treated with balm.

It was found that the restlessness improved and the brain performance increased. In clinical studies, an antiviral effect, especially for herpes viruses, has been established. Lemon balm prevents the viruses from docking to the cells.

For external application, ointments are produced which are used to treat herpes infections of the skin. For successful therapy, the same must be applied to the skin immediately after the first symptoms appear. The so-called “cold sores” disappear very quickly.

Dosage form

Lemon balm is used internally in folk medicine for nervous disorders, stomach diseases on a nervous basis, abdominal diseases, chronic bronchial catarrh, nervous palpitations, vomiting, nervous weakness, migraine, pain and high blood pressure. Externally it is used for rheumatic complaints (rheumatism), nerve pain and stiff neck. Lemon balm can be used in the form of ready-to-use preparations, teas, drops such as Lemon balm spirit and bath additives.

For tea and infusions, the daily dose of lemon balm is 2 to 3 g, for tinctures (1:5 in 45% ethernol) 2-6 ml, three times a day. For the preparation of tea, five teaspoons of leaves are poured over 150 ml of boiling water. Cover and leave to infuse for 10 minutes and drink as required.Melissa oil is used for aromatherapy and should only be used externally.

The cream with 1% dry extract of lemon balm (70:1) 2-4 times a day. Please always refer to the package insert and ask your treating physician. Lemon balm extracts are also available as alcohol-free solutions and capsules over the counter from pharmacies.